12- "I'll catch you if you fall."

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I changed into a white bikini and pulled on a t shirt and jeans over it. After texting mom I sat into Jake's car with him and Clara. Liam was in Jake's car with Amanda in the back. We had invited the girl over as she did not have much friends of her own. 

"Who's picking up Jess?" Liam called from his seat. 

"We'll do it," I called back and we took off, with Ashen following us on his bike. "Why didn't I go with Ashen?" I wondered aloud, looking at him from the car's side mirror. 

"Stop getting so close with him," Jake glanced in my direction.

"Why are you getting possessive all of a sudden?" I frowned at my brother. 

"Usually you have a one night stand with guys and move on," Jake said. "The fact that you haven't slept with Ashen and are still keeping him around is questionable."

"And you also dated Daniel," Clara stated. "You rarely date guys."

"We broke up, then," I said. "Dating is stupid if at the end you're just gonna break up."

"Which reminds me that you still haven't told us why you both broke up," Clare sat up in her seat as we pulled over in front of Jessica's place. She came out of her house with a bag, wearing a knee length yellow dress which complimented her orange hair well.

"What colour bikini are you wearing?" I asked Jess.

"Oh, I don't plan on taking off my dre-" Jess paused as Clara pulled away her dress's neckline and peeked a little.

"It's orange," Clare declared receiving a playful slap from Jessica on her arm.

"And when I do it they call me a pervert," Jake complained from the driver's seat. We rolled our eyes but laughed at him, knowing he was just joking.

Growing up I was glad that Jake had befriended Jasper instead of some other boys in our neighborhood. I remember when they once started spewing sexist things and mom had to interfere in their friendships with some other neighbourhood guys.I believed that the reason Liam was so decent was because he was in our company. To be honest, we all became better people after befriending each other.

"What are you wearing?" Jessica asked Clara but instead Jake replied.

"Who, me?" He said. "Just a sexy see through black lingerie"

"Oh, me, too!" Clara said. "Except the sexy, see through part."

"Plain black bra?" Jake shook his head in disapproval. "Get on my level, bitches."

"Get on my level?" Clara scoffed. "Says the guy who didn't have a date till the last hour in homecoming. So much for being a hotshot."

It was true. Jake was pretty popular in school with being the captain of soccer team and getting good grades. 

"You really think no one wanted to go out with me?" Jake raised his eyebrows with a smug look on his face and looked at the rear view mirror. He pulled up in the parking lot and got out of the car. 

We went to a shop that rented surfboards to pick them up for the guys and Jess. Clara was not in the mood to surf due to her cramps while me and Amanda didn't know how to. I had taken off my clothes in the car and now strolled along the shore. 

Upon seeing Clara and Jess sitting under a shade, putting sun block over their arms I walked up to them. 

"Want it?" I met Ashen midway. He was holding a tube of sunscreen and offered it to me.

"You want me to put it on your back?" I asked, fully knowing that it wasn't what he said.

"No- well yeah sure," He gave it to me as I rubbed the sunblock up and down his back. I pulled my hair over my shoulder and asked him to return the favour. 

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