Chapter 3: Fate Has Its Way

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The demon glared then start charging at her again, Lapis quickly stepped backward. Almost tripped. She then felt grass under her feet, they were outside of the cabin at once.

"You're such annoying! How can you get in here anyway?! I thought I set a shield to keep those kinds of you away from here"

"Apparently it doesn't affect me at all, maybe you should try something, oh I don't know, more effective ??"

Suddenly a cold breeze on wind blew, as footsteps come from their surrounding, a bunch of goons walking out slowly from the bushes, they're all wearing a dark black mauve cape with Yellow Diamond's symbol on the chest area.

"Dammit,...If you can then they could too" – Frustrated, she could've guessed it. "This. Is. All. Your. Fault" - Shouted to Lapis's face.

"Mine???" – Nagged much?

Interrupting by the hackles of the enemies, they stop arguing and notice their enemies. Both of their back now leaning against each other, the demon eyes went dark one more time, around her hand, forming a dark mist. As Lapis's Halo now shone more, making up a light shield to keep the Centipeetle away from her and the 'temporary partner' she has.

"We are outnumbered..." – She gulped.

Both of them, have done this kind of thing a thousand times before, but in this situation, there will still be tension because even an experienced combatant will know that plans go to hell all the time, and the stakes are high – if they fail, they will die.

As they both look at each other, this is gonna be tough.

The demon raised her hand, aiming at the enemies, those look-a-like fingers seem to be a little firearm device, they form a shape of the gun barrel, the shoot it makes was as powerful as those army weapons, impressive. A few goons were collapsed, but some remain, they move their limb recklessly, vaguely walking toward those two again, this time, their hand turns into a weapon, like a sword that sharpens down to a fine edge.

"What is this..., they don't look like the other demons."

"The Centipeetle" - "They are one of the corruption, after what Yellow Diamond did.., they use to be themselves, we fought side by side on the battlefield, now they are just soulless creatures, like an empty vessel, looking for a new soul to fill"

Her eyes were still filled with rage, yet sorrow was shown at the same time. She fought, somehow, also trying to guard the angel as well.

They all begin to raid both of them, struggling to fight back while trying to be alive as well, even our mysterious demon has quite some skills, but the Centipeetles are crowded, striking constantly her, time is everything, she's strong but soon will out of energy.

The Centipeetle are mostly got hit by the demon enhancer attack but more to come in the back. They have Reinforcement??, this isn't good., Suddenly Lapis turn.

"Oh right, I didn't quite catch your name yet"

"Are you kidding me?! We are about to be killed in here, by those" – She grunted, pointing at them.

"But you're a demon right?"

"Yeah? So?!"

"I thought we all have power. So what with that equipment?"

"I do have my power. It just...argh, none of your business"

"And what's that with the weird black strip of cloth on your head??"

"You ask a lot of questions for an about-to-dead angel."

"What can I say? I prefer to die well-informed."

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