Chapter 16: Gather

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A/N: Short one. We r about to reach the end of the event.


When his mind has ceased its unproductive buzz, he's able to start thinking his way out this mess. If he stays here any longer he's as good as dead.

"Come on..." – Steven's continuously cutting the rope that tied him.

The flickering bulb that shows how little time he had left. His heart thuds more loudly that he wishes it would, but he reminds himself that it's only beating in his own ears. Steven knew has to value the time, while Aquamarine was in the other room, considering her plan with Topaz.

"Scared? Is it because of my face? The scar that you gave to me, hmm"– Lars lean into him, hand placement on his, giving him a small sharp rock, whisper "I've given the Crystal Gems the location, get yourself out and meet them"...

He then let go of him, "Ahem, as I said, I'll be off, do what you want"

"Lars,... What is he up to, kidnapping me and then giving me this rock?... Argh, I have to focus to get out of here first!!"

When he can feel his hands are loosing off "Ahah, got it" – Steven quickly gets the rope out of the way, running out of the room, find the escape pedal. He stopped when he saw two shadows, walking down the hallway, he turns and hide behind the wall, moves nothing but his eyes, his mind racing while every muscle stays rock still. There were Aquamarine and Topaz, What are they talking about?....

"How's The Cluster doing?"

"About 3 hours more to fully function and destroy"

"That's good news"

The Cluster? No, no this can't be happening, I..., Pearl,... guys, I'm sorry but I have to get there first.

Running to the pedal as Aqua and Topaz were out, his destination change to The Cluster place, to the core...

Celestial Temple

"Peridot is gone" – Pearl said in a concerned voice. The Crystal Gems, they are clueless right now, didn't know what to do.

"Urgh, how can this all be happening in one time!!"

"I,... I have to find her" – Lapis get off the chair, spreading her water wings, ready to set off.

"No, we need you to save Steven now, Lapis"


"Lion, can you go get Peridot for us, it would be faster" – Garnet instructed him.

"Leave it to me"

Lion then stepped back to the other side of the portal he open, leaving the rest to continue.

"Look Lapis, we know you've been worry about her, we do too, but we have something important to do right now too, If Aquamarine held Steven hostage and activate The Cluster now, it would be a disaster"

The noises, thoughts engulfed her, completely capturing her brain, rendering any logical thought or conclusion impossible. For Steven's safety, for Peridot ... she couldn't think straight when it comes to her.

"Alright, I'll leave it to Lion. Let's head to Steven for now..."

Everyone was a bit panic, but still gather around to come up with the plan - "Where can he be now..."

"I might have an information with that" – Lars again, he was behind them, forming a smiled which made the others feeling annoy.

"You" – Pearl summoned her weapon and place it under his throat.

"Slow it, Pearl, I'm not here to fight" – as he dodged the upcoming attack to the side.

"You got some nerve, coming back here after what you have done"

"Hey, I have to alright, Aquamarine is a very skeptical person, do you think she would give you the antidote for your blondie friends or even just hand out Lapis back to you when things are done ?"

"Leave out the details! Steven is at this location, I've given him a way to escape, he'll meet you outside of the place" – Lars showed them the location of the boy on his hologram map by the device he wore on the wrist.


"Okay...I know what your kind have done to our world, but I also know you try to protect it, it's my turn to do the same to you, plus Steven..., I'm his familiar too, so just skip the emotional scene and moving on."

*Beeping sound* The map was twisting, a red dot was shifting from the previous location to the other.

"Interesting...." – Lars arch his eyebrows.

"What's that suppose to mean??!"- Amethyst confused, tilt her head aside.

"Mean changes plan. Ladies, we're about to go to the core of the earth"

Aquamarine's Lair

"The brat,...he escapes." – Aqua stomp her feet angrily. "That space dirt must have done something..."

"No time now, we only got 2 hours more, we need to get to cluster now" – Topaz hushed her


The core of the Earth – Cluster

"There he is" - Aqua threw a knife, aim at his hand, couldn't notice to avoid the attack, Steven yelped in pain.

"You don't really think that you can bubble them all up??"

"I can and I will, please you don't have to do this"

"Oh dear, I know that I don't, but I want to" – an evil smirked on Aquamarine's face, as she about to tear him apart.

"Take your hands off him" – Amethyst whipped at their distance gap, causing Aqua to step back, The Crystal Gems is here.

"How grateful, you save me some time, I don't have to find each of you to kill anymore"

"Try to defeat us first"


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