Chapter 11: When things about to get better

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A/N: annddd we're back to a short one, beautiful chapter. (yet, lol). Plus some music for the day.


"Aha... urm so..."

"You got a nice singing voice"


They stared at each other in an odd way. She suddenly felt awkward, demure, and coy. A pair of eyes was still looking at them.

"I gonna go find Pearl and the others, you two should talk" – Steven said then waved for goodbye.

Lapis came to the demon side, looking deeply into her eyes.

"You really mean it?", --"I.."

She takes a step closer to Peridot, who is still blushing in front of her...

"I do, Lapis, I really do"

"How long?" – as she grabbed Peridot hand, gentle. It was the only thing she asked, but she didn't press for any answer. "You know..."

She leaned in a little closer, their foreheads touching.

"But I can't, I mean, us, this, can't be right now" - She turned her head to the side to avert her gaze.

"What's wrong Peridot ?"

"For the time being, I haven't found myself yet, I didn't deserve you, but I really do love you, I just afraid it would consume me. I want you, but I need to find my foundation first,... to be with you, for us to last. I mean, how could I, starting a romance with everything going on." – There was sadness but there was hope too. As she continued.

"Lapis, this battle has my name on it, I need this first, so please..." – Peridot hold her hands.

Lapis begins to nod slowly. This isn't the future they thought they'd have, but if they want a beautiful world together, they must accept the risk.

"You know, when you stand in front of me now, I can finally say that you've grown a lot more on me. So I'll wait for you. I would wait infinite lifetimes if it just to be by your side.."

"Then it's a promise"

The moonlight was a diffuse ocean above them, lessening the inky blackness of the night. Peridot held her gently, cupping her face with one hand. Those sparks around them, as you can really see it in your own eyes. Suddenly the soft warm glow of the firefly sliced through the dark atmosphere with its sugary light, buzzing through the blackened air, illuminating the sky. They danced in a heady swarm of light, like a frozen firework explosion.

She kissed her and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. Her hand rested below Lapis's ear, her thumb caressing Lapis's cheek as their breaths mingled. She ran her fingers down Peridot spine, pulling her closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel the beating of her heart against the chest. In this time, she picked her up and spin her around then set her back in her feet, it was magnified.

"That's some style to seal the deal"

"I have my way"

They then head back to the Temple together, hand in hand.

Somewhere around the Beach City

"Steven where were you before?" – Amethyst asked him while stuffing some chips into her mouth.

"Just role-playing"

"Playing wut?"

"Cupid" – That confident smirk.

"I probably don't wanna know... Anyways wanna go wrestling tonight, Purple Puma need her Tiger Millionaire ~"

"Don't you worry, cause here I come" – Steven takes out and wears a little mask of a tiger nose with teeth.

That was some noisy night...

~Timeskip~ At the beach (maybe above it)

"Aaaagh, I take it back, put me down LAPIS!!"

"I thought you did fly before"

"It's before, now I'm sure I will be death if you drop me"

"But this is the fastest way to get there"

As Lapis carried her up in the sky, a strong current was pushing them back, cold air, but Lapis manage to hold her general direction while holding a tense, loud screaming demon.

"Lapis put me down... I don't feel so well..."

Lapis trying not to laugh at the situation, as she flies down, attempts to scare Peridot a bit before she hit the ground.

"Finally..., on the ground..., please don't ever do that" – She's trying to catch her breath after some terrify experience.

"Well that wasn't expecting" – a surprise voice behind them both raise.

Pearl? Garnet and Jasper too? – "What are you guys doing here?"

"Just taking a stroll on the beach"

"How's thing holding 'up' Peridot?"

"I don't know whether I should hug you or slap you, Jasper..."

Happy, that's the word to use, as they were happy, with each other, with their friends, everything in life is transitory, it's just that somethings last longer than others. Every thought gives way to a new one. Make your moments happy so that they come together to form something wonderful and unique.

But that's only what they think

"There you are~" – a raspy voice... I knew that...

A dark figure came out of the bush from the forrest direction, It's Agate, soulless face, but can't get rid of those deathly eyes, dart back and forth from Lapis and to the others.

Agate?... What is it in her hand? A mirror?

"No..." – Lapis gasped, as she knew what was it "Stay away from us" – she suddenly got furious.

"Too late" – Agate point the mirror, facing them.

A flash of light appears, blocking everyone eyesight. Peridot too covers the light with her cross arms. When they gain their sight again, Nothing?. "What did you do?!". Took a minute for them to notice,...someone was missing. Lapis ???. "Where is she !!"

"Right here Knight" 

They all surprise, can't believe it, she's trap in a mirror, her expression... Scared, panic, trying to smash the glass from the other side but it didn't work. Peridot sprint forward, tempting to snatch the mirror out of Agate's hand.

"Oh no, that won't be easy"

Agate was fast, Peridot can't reach to her place, she smirked at the demon, then smack the back of the mirror. They all heard a crack noise, ... it was..., a gem, Lapis's gem.

"This way you can't escape"

"LAPIS !!" 

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