~I want~

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I just want to know how you are.

I want to know if you're happy.

I want to know if you ever think of me.

I want to know what you'd say if I said that I forgive you.

I want to know what you'd think If I told you that you should forgive me too.

I want to know why you left.

I want to know what you'd think if I said that i've never stopped loving you.

What would you think?

Would you even care?

I want to know if this new man makes you feel the way you made me feel, if he does; then i'll understand, I'll let you be happy- if he doesn't, then come back.

Because I need you.

I want you to need me too.

I want you.

Not some other brown eyed hunk.

Nobody could replace you.

Your smile.

Your voice.

I don't want anyone else.

I want you back.

I want your warm and loving personality.

I want to feel your soft lips against mine again.

I want to feel your hands in my hair again.

I want your skin against mine.

I want you to be mine again.

Just come back.

Please, i'm trying.

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