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I just want you to be happy.
I'm trying so hard to help you.
I stay up all night to make sure you're okay, I cry everyday because I care about you so much. I just want to make you happy. I want to make you feel okay.
I know, I get it. It's your choice. You're the one that choses if you stay or not.
I just don't want you to go.
I don't want you to leave.
Goodbye's are harder when you know the outcome.
When you moved away, I knew I wouldn't see you for a long time- I knew I'd miss you. What I didn't know is really how much I loved you.
But this time.
If you say goodbye.
I don't know what to do.
Because this time you might not come back ever.
Even the thought of never seeing you again makes my heart race and my throat dry up.
Touching your soft green hair, kissing your pink lips and hearing you whisper in my ear again.
Don't go Sean,
At least give me a chance to try and make you feel happy again.

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