~Drowning in tears~

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If it takes up to four minutes to drown, then why am I still here?
Why haven't my lungs filled with water yet and blocked my airways?
Why haven't I choked on the lack of oxygen that flows through my body.

Even hearing your name tears the rip in my heart wider. The amount of tears that fall from my face, creating an ocean of emotion around me, pulling me under and holding me there until I have to gasp for air as my lungs fill with water and I lose control of my breath. It's like my head is being forced under the water and I'll never be able to resurface for air.

Crying can be seen as a weakness, an action to show you have emotions. For some people crying is beneficial but for others... Not so much. Crying over you can be too much.

I cry until I'm numb, Until I have no more tears left. Until I've already drowned 5 times and i'm still here. Nothing ever changes. The pain just stays the same and the water hurts my lungs.

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