>I'm sorry<

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You know what.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that I lost myself in your smile so easily.

I'm sorry that I fell in love with you so fast.

I'm sorry that I came over to check on you everyday, hours on end so you weren't alone after your dad passed.

I'm sorry that even after you cheated the first time I still loved you.

I'm sorry that I wasted your time, because I obviously wasn't worth it.

I'm sorry that I gave you everything I had, including my virginity.

I'm sorry that I trusted you.

I'm sorry that I thought you could ever love me.

I'm sorry that I let you into my life.

I'm sorry that I wasn't enough.

I'm sorry that even though you still mean the absolute world to me, I don't mean anything to you.

I'm sorry that I miss you.

I'm sorry.

But, I'm mostly sorry for trying at all.

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