>Great plan<

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He's asleep, he's been asleep for twenty minutes now; his soft, green hair tanged up in my fingers and his head on my chest, his arm across my stomach and a soft snore escaping his lips. He is so perfect.
My little Jackaboy.
My caring, loving boyfriend and hopefully tomorrow my soon to be husband.
And that's why I'm awake.
I'm scared that i'll mess it up and make a fool of myself, what if he doesn't want to marry me? What if I'm not good enough? He is so much more than i'll ever be and I don't want to fuck this up.
I love him.

I've been stroking his hair for an hour now, looking at his peaceful, calm face as it glooms in the moonlight. He really is an angel; an angel that I'm going to marry... hopefully.
He seems to move closer to me every 10 minutes or so, as if he's making sure i'm still there. He drowns in my warmth and I drown in his comfort. We connect like jigsaw puzzle pieces.

"M-mark?", his voice is croaky and low, I couldn't tell if he was awake or not but decided to answer anyway.
"Yes baby", I whispered into his hair and kissed his forehead.
"I-i can hear you thinking, just go to sleep, please?" He was now looking up at me. Eyes twinkling, And all of a sudden I was submerge in his eyes, cerulean and pacific laced with Prussian and azure blue. His eyes have a variation of shades and tones of blue.
"What are you looking at doof", his smile lighting up the darkened room and a small giggle escaping his lips.
"You, you're so beautiful".
That was enough to make him blush like crazy. He was a crimson tomato and an adorable one at that.
"J-just sl-eep". That smile wouldn't leave his lips. I connected my lips to his soft mouth as we moved in sync, full of love and passion. He is my everything.

-Time skip to next morning-

It's 6am and I've already ruined the kitchen, pancake mix on the floor and stove, egg shells all over the sides (counters) and there I was, in an apron that says 'kiss the chef' humming to whatever was on the radio. I was still afraid for later on today but i've decided to just think about the positivity in the situation, if he says yes- then he is mine forever. And if he says no... then that's something I don't want to think about.

"Good morning, what are you doing? And what is that great sm-"
He looks around and the mess of a kitchen and then looks at me laughing, he knows i'll have to clean it up later.
I take a second to check him out, he's wearing one of my shirts that go past half of his thighs and a pair of tight boxers that show off everything. He walks towards me, as if he knew what I wanted. His hips swaying and an innocent smile on his face.
"Kiss the chef ay?" He was now very close to my face; my hands on his waist pulling him closer, his hands on my waist. We move closer until our lips attach, a kiss full of tenderness and warmth.
"I love you Marky- Mark".
"I love you too Jackaboy".
I can't wait for us to be forever.

We enjoyed a big, fulfilling breakfast, talked about work and things in the future that we plan to do. It was great and it couldn't have been a better start to a perfect day.

Hey fe, what time can you get Sean back?

3 hours tops, that okay?

That's perfect, thank you.

No problem bro.

Now time to set up tonight, I'm going all out. I'm putting our four year relationship out and I'm going to make tonight so special. I know fancy meals are cute and all but it's so cliche and we are not cliche so, I bought lots of movies and so much popcorn. I made pizza from scratch and found my biggest hoodies and tracksuit bottoms for us to snuggle in later. It's going to be a relaxing, fun night that we will remember for a long time.


Jack is back right on time, everything is ready and I'm much more excited than scared

"Hey baby, how was your day with Felix?" I said before kissing his lips.
"It was good but I asked if he wanted to come in and he said that he can't because we're busy tonight, what are we busy with?"
"Well follow me".

The couch was covered in multiple blankets, a stack of movies on the table, shit loads of Popcorn and the pizza was in the oven now.
"M-mark this is awesome, thank you!!!"
He kissed me quickly before running to the couch and canon balling onto it, his small figure sinking into the sheets in comfort.
I quickly grab the clothes from the stairs and throw them his way, his face switching from confusion to pure joy.
"No WaY".
He loves wearing my clothes,
I love him wearing my clothes.
He looks so small and cute.

"Okay pick a movie and i'll go get the pizza".
"Yes piZza". I chuckled before getting the pizza, when I sat down Sean had already picked a movie, it was time to start the best night of our lives.


We had stuffed our faces with pizza and popcorn and watched many movies. It was now time for the big moment, my hands were sweating just as much as my forehead; if this was an anime the sweat drops would be extreme.

"Yes, are you okay? You don't look so good". Concern lacing his voice as he places his hands on my burning forehead.
"Yeah I- I'm f-fine, I just need to talk to you".
"Okay? What is it? You know you can tell me anything.
I finally took a breath and looked up at Jack.

"Okay so, we've been together for 4 years and you make me extremely happy, I am so in love with you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life so-
Sean William McLoughlin, will you marry me?"
There was now a box in my hand, a ring in front of me, I look over at Sean to see his eyes watering, he looked over at me before jumping on me, hugging me so tight that if he held on any tighter I would probably stop breathing.
"Yes, yes , yes, of coarse I'll marry you Mark, I love you so much".
He lifts his face up, tears still spilling and connects his lips to mine, spilling all our love and all our passion we had for each other in that one kiss until we had to break away for air.
Great plan Mark.

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