>Wake up<

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The doctor says that they'll have to pull the plug soon. If you don't wake up they won't have a choice. Please just give us a sign, A sign that you feel my tears and hear my cries. A sign that you're still in there somewhere.

I should have told you.
I should have told you the way I feel about you.

"Please come back, please don't be gone".

It's got to a point where I sleep on the chair beside your bed. Your mum and I take turns to watch you, when she comes in the morning I change my clothes and shower.
Then I come back to you.
I think your mum knows, I think she sees the way I look at you.
I wish you saw it too.

3 weeks and you've still made no progress. I've cried so much that my eyes refuse to let me cry anymore. It's like i've used up all my tears on wishing you were awake, wishing you knew how much I love you.

"If you can hear me I want you to know that I'm in love with you. I have been for a long time. It's seems like you're the only one who is oblivious to the way I feel. Even Felix knows, and he never pays attention to anything. Mark Please wake up, I love you and I need you."

The silence was deafening.
It was so quiet that all I could hear was my mind. I slide my hand into yours, rubbing circles across your knuckles for hours on end.

Nothing has happened until now.
You moved your finger, it was only for a second. But it was something.
It was a sign.

"I knew you were still there Mark".

It took a while longer, maybe another hour or two and you began to move. Stirring your body and attempting to open your eyes.

When you finally opened your eyes I was the only one in the room.
The first thing you did was smile at me.
And then a few words came out of your mouth, in a whisper; but I heard everything you said.

You said.
"I love you too Sean".

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