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When will I learn that your fist connecting with my body is not a loving touch, and your insult are not comforting words. That the way that you treat me is not how a relationship should be. I loved you, so why the hell didn't you love me back? Am I that revolting that you feel you have to treat me like vermin? Maybe I deserve this. Maybe I deserve the pain that you cause me. Maybe I deserve the cigarette burns and broken ribs.

"I'm sorry baby, it won't happen again".

You lied.
You told me that you'd change.
But you're the same you. You drink or get high and you take out aLL of your shit on me.

When you first sexually assaulted me my mind kept saying that you loved me, I hid my fears of you getting mad at me; I closed my eyes and told myself that it was because of the alcohol- you wouldn't do it again. Because it was out of love, it was a mistake and we'd be okay. But nothing changed, everything got worse.

The first time you slapped me you immediately realised what you did, you apologised so many times and I knew you were sorry, I knew you didn't mean to hurt me. I guess you just got power hungry, you wanted more control over me and thought that by using violence I would bow to your every command.

How stupid to think that you still loved me.

The first visit to the hospital after you beat me, the nurse kept making sure that I was sure about falling down the stairs. She said that the impact it made had caused my ribs to snap. Even though you thought I would have told her, I wouldn't have. I loved you too fucking much to do that to you, to me, to us.

All I wanted was you.
I guess you just didn't want the same.

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