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Everly's P.O.V.

" Mommy, are we going to fight that king?" Chelsea asks as I tuck her in bed.

The soft blanket comes to her chin as she snuggles her head against the soft pillow. I gently caress her face, as I struggle to respond to her.

" Chelsea, I am sure if we do, that Negan will take care of it. Your daddy loves you very much and will do anything to keep you safe. I promise. I won't let anyone hurt you."

She smiles, as her tiny hand touches mine." I love you, mommy, I promise if any bad man comes, I will help you."

" If we do have to leave here, we will be okay. I know that God will take care of us." 

I tried to keep my fear at bay, knowing it will unsettle my little girl.

" I know he will. He sent Negan to help me when I got shot. So I know we will be okay."

My fingers glide over her stitches, remembering that awful day. I don't regret making that deal. If I hadn't my daughter would be dead. I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

" Goodnight baby. I will see you in the morning."

A small yawn escapes her lips, as she closes her eyes.

" I love you too mommy."

I shut the door, then made my way to our room. I need to know just what Negan plans on doing when Ezekiel shows up tomorrow. Simon waits for me at my door, eager to be free to go to bed.

" Negan has dinner waiting for you when we get there. He said he needs to explain how tomorrow will go."

" I am scared, Simon. I know he can't step down because of all the people who depend on him, but I don't want innocent people hurt."

Simon nods, as he opens the door for me, before slamming it behind me.y husband sits on his leather couch, with a small smile on his face.

"How is Chelsea? Did she get to sleep okay?"

" She is fine, but she is worried about the king's visit. I don't know how to explain it to her. I can't exactly tell her  the man hates you because you killed his son."

His fingers drummed against the armrest, as he looked at me.

" I hate that you both are in danger because of what I did. I need you both in my life. I have never met a woman like you in a long time.

I won't let anything happen to you both. Which is why I am having you both leave. "

My heart beat wildly as the thought of leaving the sanctuary behind raced in my thoughts. My dream played in my head, as dread fills my being.

" We can't leave. Where would we go?" I exclaim loudly.

" Calm down.  It's only temporary. I have another outpost not far from here.  I can't risk you both dying because of me. "

" We are more in danger away from you! Do you really think sending us away will keep us safe? Why can't you just step down? Let Simon run the sanctuary! "

" Are you out of your damn mind? This is my group! They depend on me! What kind of leader would I be if I let that grieving asshole run me off?"  He thundered.

" The kind that keeps his men alive. That crazy man may not have a lot of men, but they will fight until they are all dead. I am sure Rick will help too.

They both hate you for killing people they care about. I know if this war happens, we will lose a lot of our men too."

Negan's body quickly rose from his chair, allowing his large frame to tower over me. His hand gently lifts my chin, making my eyes meet his.

" If I thought stepping down would end this, I would do it. You and I know damn well it won't. That man lost his son, and he wants my blood for it.

You and Chelsea are my only reason for living. I can't fight this with you both here. I know it would only make me worry about you both. Please just leave here with Simon.

I will keep my radio on me, so I can keep in contact with you. I need you to do this for me. Please, Everly. "

" What about your other wives? Don't they need to leave as well?"

" No. I don't care if anything happens to them. You and our daughter are all that matter.  I don't know how to say how much I need you, but trust me, I can't live without you both.

If I don't make it out of this, I want you to go back to Ricks group. I know they will help you. "

Tears form in my eyes, as I process his words.

" I will do it, but you better be okay. Chelsea will be mad if you don't come back. She  has already lost one  father, don't make her lose a  second."

Negan chuckles, he cups my cheek with his hand.

" I will do my best. Now, let's forget out this for now, and enjoy our dinner."

The small plates of food, instantly made my stomach growl. Puffs of steam leave whispy clouds, as we sit down to eat. Once we eat, Negan guides me to our bed, then gently pushes me onto my back.

His warm hands trail down my back, as he unzips my dress.

" What are you doing?" I ask playfully.

" Making love to wife." He states huskily, then crashes his lips on mine.

In this moment nothing mattered, only the love they both feel, but haven't expressed yet. The two lovers know to enjoy this blissful time wrapped in each others embrace, neither of them knowing how soon their world would change.

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