Painful Truth

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" I am not leaving here without my son!" Ezekiel exclaimed loudly from the gate.

Our car stopped right behind him, causing him to turn in our direction.
His eyes burned with anger, as he walked up to Negan's window.

Negan kept calm, as he slid the window down, allowing them to speak.

"What can  I do for you, your majesty?" Negan gritted out.

Ezekiel's hand gripped his staff, turning his knuckles white. His eyes darted between me and Negan before resting back on Negans.

" I want my son. Where is he? He has not been home for several days, and I know it is because of you."

" Well, I could tell you where he is, but I  would rather show you. I am sure you want to be reunited as soon as possible right ?"

Wait, Zane is dead? Did he bury his body somewhere here?

I knew this would end badly, but part of me was curious to see how this would end. I decided to keep my mouth shut and see what Negan has planned.

Ezekiel nods, as a worried expression displays on his face.

" As long as he is unharmed, I will leave here peacefully. Take me to him now please, and we will be on our way." He spoke in a desperate tone.

Negan seemed amused by this and smiled as he got out of the car.
" Right this fucking way. I am sure he will be glad to go back home with you." His light-hearted tone would fool anyone into thinking Zane is still alive. 

I slipped out of the car and followed the two leaders. The loud sound of boots against the gravel made my nerves more on edge.

We walked up to the large walker pit, and for a moment, no words were spoken. Ezekiel's eyes scanned the area, desperately searching for his son. After seeing his son was not there, he jerked his body away from the gate angrily.

He pointed an accusing finger to Negan, as he raised his voice in anger.

" What is the meaning of this? Where is my son? I grow tired of this folly, hand over my son!"

Negan pointed his bat down to the ground, where bloody body parts littered the ground. Pieces of intestines draped the mouths of one walker, while another ate hungrily at a shoulder blade. The rotten flesh hung loosely from their mouths making me almost gag.

Those must be his two friends, and the body they are eating must be Zanes.

My face paled, as the realization hit me right in the gut. This is sick and twisted even for Negan. Bringing his own dad here to see his own son's body being eaten by walkers.

Ezekiel's brows knitted in confusion, as he glanced down at the disgusting display.

" I don't understand. Where is my son!" He yelled, quickly losing patience.

Negan's wicked smile never left his face, as he poked the shoulder out not the walker's mouth. The shoulder fell to the ground, breaking into scattered pieces on the ground from the impact.

" He is right here! Well, whats left of him anyways.  His friends seem to have enjoyed eating him. I guess he needed some better friends."

The poor father's face was drained of all color, as he looked at what was left of his son. He fell to his knees, unable to form any words. His hands gripped the metal fence, shaking it in anger. His loud scream vibrated against my chest, sending panic through my body.

The loud painful sobs that emitted from his lips pained my heart. He was unashamed in his grief, allowing all of us to see the pain he was in.

The pain of losing a child is something no parent should face, and I would have had to experience that if it hadn't been for Negan.

" I told him not to fucking cross me and he did. He paid the price for his dumb ass mistake. I hope you're smart enough to walk away, and not make things worse.  I am sorry. I truly am.

I hate killing people, but he gave me no choice.  If you leave here now and don't come back then I will forget this whole damn thing."

Negan almost sounded sorry in his words, but anyone that knows Negan isn't fooled. He was mocking this man's pain, with no true remorse for his wicked act.

Ezekiel's tears streamed down his face, as he kept his eyes focused on the grizzly scene. Tension rose with every moment that passed, as each leader waited for the other to speak.

Minutes passed like hours, as the only sound to be heard was the endless growling of walkers. Beads of sweat poured down my face, as the hot sun beat down on me. My hands fidgeted nervously with one another, not lessening my anxiety.

Ezekiel stood up abruptly, then picked up his wooden staff. His red eyes glanced at me, then darted back to the sick man before him.

" If I may, I would like to request the remains of my son, and that of his friends. They should be buried back home, where their families can mourn their loss."

My breath hitched in my throat, as I waited for Negan's answer. Negan walked over to the defeated man and patted his shoulder dramatically.

" You sure as hell can! I am glad to see you have taken this shit so well. "

" Simon, Dwight, go get those poor mother fuckers of the poles and put them in a casket for the king," Negan ordered cheerfully.

The two men hurried into the pit and retrieved the dead bodies.
They plunged their spikes into the heads, ending their labored groans.

Once the bodies were secure in the casket, they were loaded onto Ezekiel's truck. Ezekiel said nothing as he climbed into his vehicle and drove away. Leaving us all standing there stunned.

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