Two men one woman

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The rain is still coming down heavy so I grabbed my umbrella on our way out. The rain hits against the fabric as we walk slowly to the gate. I see a tall attractive dark-skinned man that I assume is Zane.

His piercing eyes burn with anger as he keeps one hand on his umbrella and the other on his hip. He has a few men behind him along with a man I think is his dad. Rick told King Ezekiel has long dreadlocks and a friendly smile. " Well, look who is here! The king and the little prince, come to see me at my humble home. " Negans voice was laced with sarcasm and annoyance.

The older man approached first. He had the air of importance as he clasped his hands on the metal gate ." We need to speak with you regarding this young woman. She was promised to my son, and we would appreciate your corporation in returning her. " Negan laughed as his grip on me tightened.

"I can see why he would want her! Everly is a lovely woman and her daughter is charming. I don't know about you, but I would rather talk business inside. So, I will take you fine gentleman to my conference room. " His eyes looked up making eye contact won't the guy on guard  duty ." Frank, let these fine men inside ."

The gates open allowing them to come in. Zane takes careful steps in my direction with a smirk on his face. He lifts my hand to his lips kissing it softly, causing a blush to form ." You are truly a beautiful woman. I am Zane, it's a pleasure to meet you, Everly." Watch it asshole! She is my wife! Not yours!"

Negan growls as Zane release my hand. No other words are spoken as we walk inside leaving one storm, only to join one more. We walk up a flight of stairs making our way up to the second floor. Negan pushed pone the door making a loud thud as we walked in.

Negan sat at the head of the table and we all gathered around. Lucile was placed on the table intimidating us all by her presence as we waited for the meeting to start. " So, your son thinks I should give this fine woman up? What makes you think I would be willing to  do that ?" King Ezekiel scratched his chin as he opens his mouth to speak but was cut off ." If you don't want a war ! I suggest you allow me to have what I was promised !"

Zane's voice roared causing  Negan to bang Lucile loudly on the table ." Watch it kid! I won't tolerate disrespect in my home!" You mean prison !" Zane scoffed as his eyes glared at Negan ." I am being a gentleman by  letting you come in my home and you repay me with disrespect !"

Zane jumped up ready to attack Negan but is stopped by his father ." Son, this is unwise. We must act rationally. " He cautioned as he pushed his son back in his seat ." Now, Rick made a deal with us, and we expect it to be honored. We were informed that you took this woman on the day they were to marry. We simply ask for her back.  We are willing to give more supplies in order to compensate ." Negan chuckled darkly.

"No amount of supplies will make up for her! The answer is no! Now, I suggest that you leave before punishment is in order ." Zane popped up slamming his fist on the table ." You won't get away with this! We will be back !"  I hope so! I will enjoy killing you !"

Zane lost it and grabbed his gun a loud bang filled the air. I looked over at Negan seeing a red steam pour from his body as he collapsed on the ground.

" What have you done!" I yelled as I ran to aid Negan. Simon rushed in after hearing the gun. He helped me carry Negan out. "I suggest you leave while you still can!" Simon roared as we tried to walk out the door ." We will be back !" They ran away as we raced to save Negan's life.

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