The Verdict is in.

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Everly's P.O.V.

I rush down the hallway to Luke's room. He lives on the second floor, right next to Simon. I hope I can find the proof Negan is wanting, but it's highly doubtful I will. It's not like Luke would want to keep evidence he hurt his child, or maybe he would. He might consider it a trophy.

My eyes scan the doorway, making sure nobody is watching me. I take a deep breath, then open his door. A foul smell drifts in the air, like a green cloud infiltrating the entire room.

I quickly pinch my nose, trying to keep from continuing to smell this terrible smell. Clothes lay in piles on the ground, along with plates of old food. A fly buzzes past my ear, making me jump away. I don't want to place on my hands on anything, it all looks too disgusting to touch.

" Okay, you can do this," I tell myself, as I carefully walk into his room. I use my feet to make a path, going to his closet, in hopes of finding what we need. I gently twist the knob, to take a peek into this mans belongings.

I comb through each jacket and check each shirt. I then bend down, hoping to find anything to support Lacey's claims. I check an old box full of paper, but no photo in sight.

I go through every drawer and check every cabinet he has. I then check under his bed, only to find nothing. I sit down on a clear spot on the floor, feeling utterly defeated.

I place my arms on the bed, to help push myself up, allowing me to feel something hard. I move the covers, allowing me to see a small wooden box. I gently open the lid, to find yellowing paper inside. I unfold the old paper, to seeing the writing on one side.  It's a letter to Luke, addressing him as only that.

My eyes scan over each word, hoping to find what I need. It's an old letter from a pal of his, and it doesn't help me at all. I keep opening each letter, not finding anything to help our case. I finally open the last one, and my eyes go wide. It's a letter from whom  I am guessing  Lacey's mom. She accuses him of leaving a horrible bruise on their child, announcing she will never allow him to see Lacey again.

I fold the letter up, happy I found what I need. I place the others back, then put the box back where I found it. A smile makes its way to my face, as I leave with my evidence in hand.

My feet move furiously, down the stairs, as I try to get this to Negan. I try to be polite as I rush up to his office door. I can hear Luke laughing, as he continues to drink with his lewder.

I knock on the door, causing the laughter to cease. Heavy steps approach the door, alerting me to hide my evidence. I tuck it safely into my dress just as Negan opens the door.

"Everly, did you come here with good news?" He hints, with a rise of his eyebrows.

" I did, can you come out here for a minute?"

He glances over his shoulder, making eye contact with Luke.

"I will be right back."

Luke gives a drunken nod, as he brings his drink up to his lips.

We shut the door, and I hand the letter to Negan. His eyes furrow, as he takes in every sentence. His jaw clenches, as his teeth grind in anger, at the words declared on this paper.

" That son of a bitch. I can't believe he was hiding here all this time."

" I know, neither can I."

" I don't want to let him know just yet, I think I know of a way to make sure it is him." My husband announces.

" How do we do that?"

" We set a trap for him. He has no idea  we know, so can catch him if he plans this right."

" Well, I am in. What do you need me to do?"

" You go get Simon, tell him to round up some of our men by the gates. This asshole is leaving for his new post, and needs to say goodbye to everyone before he goes." 

Negan's grip on Lucille tightens, as he struggles to keep his anger in check. He takes a deep breath and brings back his smile.

" I will bring Luke down for farewells in a minute, just make sure everyone is there for the show."

" Okay, just be careful."

" I always am baby. "

I hope whatever he is doing works, because this is our only shot.

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