Christmas Party

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Everly's P.O.V.

" Jerod, please set the tree by the window. I love the lights shining against the glass." I state happily, trying to finish before Negan gets back.

Negan and Rick left earlier, for a meeting for all the community leaders.  They meet once a month to make sure everyone is thriving, and has  everything they need for the coming winter.

"Sally, please put that display on the fireplace, and string the lights around the garland too."

" Yes, mam."

I sigh, as I see my vision coming together perfectly. The whole sanctuary is decorated for this blessed holiday. I always loved Christmas as a child, it fills me with such joy.

The smells, lights, and fellowship with family are a joyous sight to behold. The snow sparkles outside, as my workers finish up the decorations.

" Thank you all for helping me, now let's go eat. Anything you want, no points needed."

Cheers and applause erupt from my grateful people, leaving me happy. Smiles grace each face, as we all hurry to fill our growling stomachs.

" Mommy, when will daddy be here?" Chelsea asks as we eat.

" Soon, baby. He said when its dark he won't be back, and it will be dark in a couple hours."

" Will he be able to help uncle Ricks people with food?" She asks softly.

I swallow my food, then wipe my mouth before answering her.

"Rick needed gas, and medicine, not food. Alexandria and Hilltop grow our food."

" How do we have so much gas?"

" This building had barrels of it underground for emergencies, so we share it in exchange for food."

" When will the horses come? I want my white horse." My daughter whines.

" Honey, I don't know if they have white horses, but daddy said he would ask uncle Rick for one. If they do have one, I am sure your dad will get it for you."

" Well, Christmas is almost here, and if daddy can't bring me one, Santa can."  My daughter states confidently.

" Santa isn't real and you're stupid if you think he is." I hear a little voice scold.

I glance down seeing little Mathew with his eyes scrunched in annoyance.

My daughter's eyes filled with water, and her bottom lip begins to quiver. My heart breaks, as I see the devastation flash across her face.

I place my hand on hers, trying to reassure her.

" Honey, Santa is real, don't let anyone make you believe otherwise. I will prove to you he is real."

Her eyes light, as her small hands, claps together.

" Really? How?"

Mathews' eyes narrowed skeptically.

" Yes, how?" His little voice quips.

I knee down, making my eyes level with his brown ones.

" On Christmas night, you will see Santa, because I will ask him to come to see you. When he does, he will tell you to apologize to Chelsea for not be believing her."

Mathew rolls his eyes, clearly unimpressed with my threat.

" Yeah right." He huffs, then walks away to go play.

" Mommy, I don't want to be friends with him anymore. He doesn't believe in Santa."

" Well, he will soon baby. Trust me, he will. When he does, he will be the one looking stupid."


I smile, as I held her little hand with my own. Her childhood innocence is so precious in this dark world.  I remember how it felt when I was a child on Christmas. The wonderful presents and time with family is a cherished thing nowadays.

A loud whistle echoes off the concrete walls, alerting me my husband is home. The saviors bend down eager to show respect for their leader.

" Hello, baby, I am glad to be back. How are my two girls doing?"

" Daddy! Your back!" My daughter squeals. He small feet run quickly to be held by her father.

" Daddy, did you ask uncle Rick if he had any white horses for me?"

" Well, I did ask him, and he said he would check. He didn't know if the kingdom had any, but he would try to find one for you."

" Yay! I want one so badly! Daddy, are you going to come to the party?"

" Of course darling. That's why I hurried home, so I could be there with you and your mom."

" Good, because Mathew will be there, and he needs you to scare him."

My husband's eyes narrow, as he looks at our upset child.

" What did that prick do now?"

" Negan!"

" Sorry, what did that squirt do?"

" He said I am stupid if I think Santa is real. I am not stupid. He is!"

" That kid is a little shit head."

" Negan, please don't call him that. He is just a kid."

" A dumbass kid. It's okay baby, daddy will take of him"

" Good. Now, I am going to put on my red sparkle dress. Bye, daddy."

Once my little girl turns the corner, I glare at my husband. His amber eyes sparkle with mischief as he plots on how to deal with that boy.

" I know, I shouldn't cuss, but that kid is a little dipshit. He likes to upset my little girl, and I don't like him"

"He likes her, that's why he messes with her. Little boys do that all the time to girls they like."

" He can't like her, she is not even a teenager yet."

" Well, he does. Mark my words, those two will be married one day."

My husbands face turns sour, as he contemplates this future.

" Not if I can help it. Maybe it would be best if his parents moved to a different outpost. Then he can't think about our little girl."

I shake my head, smiling to myself. One, day he will see it.

I slipped into my red lace dress,  then fished my hair. Negan smirks at me, making a blush creep up on my cheeks. My small bump, pokes out, as I try to put my shoes on. After fumbling with them, Negan helps, me, and we head to the party.

Negan walks up to rail, with his bay resting on his shoulder. On his head rests a red Santa hat, that matches his red scarf.

" I hope you all enjoy tonight, it is Christmas Eve after all. Tonight, just eat, drink, and have fun.  Don't worry about points, it's all free tonight. Merry Christmas!"

My jolly savior takes my hand in his and leads me down the stairs. The Christmas lights glow along the staircase and the smell of food dances in the air.

We walk to the end of the steps, and Negan pulls out some mistletoe. His broad arms stretch out dangling the plant above us.

" Merry Christmas baby."

I   lean in, giving him a gentle kiss.

" Merry Christmas, Negan."

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