Blast from The Past.

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Everly's P.O.V.

White puffs of smoke swirl into the air, as the raging pot boils. The creamy potato soup is near, done, and I can hardly wait. I check the bread and see it has the beautiful golden color, telling me its ready to be taken out.

I begin to cut my hearty loaf, but my daughter's voice demands my attention.

" Mommy, tell Mathew that he can't always be the hero."

My sweet little girl's eyes glance up at  me, pleading for me to take her side.

" What have are you both playing?" I ask as I place my slices on the tray.

" We are playing rescue the princes. She can't be the princess and the hero" little Mathew complains.

My daughter's lips pucker as she crosses her arms over her small chest.

" I can too! The princes can save the prince! Can't she momma?"

" No, she cant! The Prince saves the princess!" The little boy states loudly.

I bend down, making sure to keep eye level with both of my two intruders.

"Mathew, if she wants to rescue you, then she can. Sometimes princes need help too. If you don't want to play this game, maybe you should play another one."  I suggest. Hoping they will choose something else.

Mathews eyebrows furrow, as he takes in my words.

"So, girls can save boys?"

" Yes, they can!" My husband says loudly, making the boy jump a little.

" My wife here has saved me every day she is with me. I don't know what  I would do without her" he says affectionately.

The little boy's eyes widen in shock at his fearless leader's words. My daughter smirks, as she sees the little boy step back in fear.

" You know, if you did not let me be the hero, my daddy will use Lucille. Won't you daddy?" She says innocently.

" Chelsea,! You don't threaten people." I scold.

Negan laughs, but soon stops when he sees my stern expression.

" Well, I wouldn't use Lucille, but I might not let you play with Chelsea. I am sure you wouldn't like that would you son?"

The little boy shakes his head, affirming Negans assessment.

" Why don't you both go get ready for dinner."

They both nod, leaving me alone with my mischievous husband.

" You can't let her think its okay to threaten people. She already thinks she can do  whatever she wants too because her daddy is the leader."

Negan's strong arms embrace me, giving me a gentle hug.

" I know, baby. I was just having some fun with the kid. I don't like them playing together all the time. That little boy needs to play with other boys. Not our little girl."

I raise a curious eyebrow at his statement. Knowing full well what he means.

" What's wrong with him playing with her?"

"Nothing, I have don't want him getting attached to her. She doesn't need to be playing with boys. She should play with girls. Do girly stuff. "

" Like what?"

" You know, painting her nails, dressing up, having tea parties."

" I see, so she should be doing what's expected of her, because of her gender. That is very sexist Negan."

" I didn't mean it like that. I am not too happy with that kid always playing with her. He might want to date her. I will not allow that shit until she is 30."

" Good luck. If she is anything like me, she will date the moment she hits puberty."

" Not her! I won't let her!" He growls out.

" What will you do? Lock her up until she is thirty?"

" I might just do that!"

" Stop being an overprotective dad, and let her play with who she wants to play with. She is still young, and should enjoy being a kid."

" I can't promise that." He mumbles as he gets a bowl to eat with.

" Sir, we have Rick Grimes at the gate. He says, that he needs to speak to you about the horses."

" Oh, yes, send him into my office."

" What about his friend?"

" What friend?" Negan asks impatiently.

" He brought another man with him. He claims he came to see you miss Everly."

" What's his name? I wasn't expecting anyone."

" He says, his name is Justin Maddox. He claims you both are married."

At that moment my knees become week, and my lungs lose all ability to produce air.  All I remember is hearing screams of my name, just as my world goes black.

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