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Winner of: 2nd place in teen fiction

Winner from: The possibility awards

1 what's your favorite book ? 

That's a tough one, because I read so much, but probably the book thief by Marcus Zusak. I highly recommend this to anyone and everyone. It's an amazing book.

2 what's your dream vacation?

My dream vacation... hmmm... I've always wanted to go to America and maybe attend a Charlie Puth concert lol

 3 what's one Wattpad goal? 

My Wattpad goal would be to help at least one reader in some way. I like to write books that are eye openers and just life changers that make you stop for a minute and think about society now.

4 how would you celebrate a publishing deal? 

I'd call my parents, buy another cat, and eat a ton of junk food. There's honestly no better way to celebrate a publishing deal!

5 what's the best way to advise a Wattpad newbie?

Write something you would enjoy reading, and honestly don't worry too much about the views or the votes. Do it for you! Entering a book club on wattpad is also a great way to attract more people, but don't force yourself on them. All great things take time!

 6 what's your favorite holiday and why?

My fav holiday is Christmas! It's just a great time to get close with your family and break away from a hectic schedule so you can focus on what's most important.

 7 what's your schedule regarding your writing? 

I don't really have a schedule but I do try to update daily because a completed book is always more enjoyable to read and the sooner I complete it the better, but really just go with whenever the inspiration hits.

8 who is your favorite author ? 

John Green is amazing, and obviously Marcus Zusak, so I guess I have two favorite authors!

9 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment? 

Yes, of course I'm surprised, because then I look back and read my work and I'm like why do you even bother reading this garbage?!

10 what's your favorite movie? 

I watch so many movies, that I could spend weeks just listing them for you, but my favorite movie in terms of accuracy, emotions, and just a good over all message would be A Monster Calls. I beg you, watch it!

11 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist? 

My favorite song.... Jeez this is tougher than the movie question, but I guess for the moment it would be Body by Syml.

Request time!

I think you guys should consider reading Call Me Jude, because it breaks stereotypes, and just says over all that nobody is perfect, everybody has problems like the main character. Jude and sometimes you need a little affection to get you by.

 Jude and sometimes you need a little affection to get you by

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Meet the authors contest edition Volume #1Where stories live. Discover now