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Winner from: Winter Rose awards

I won third place in the Winter Rose Awards in the Science Fiction category, and it really meant a lot to me since it was completely unexpected.

1 what inspired you to write? 

I've been writing ever since I was in fourth grade, and I've found writing to be an easy way for me to convey my feelings. In other words, I live through my characters (to a certain extent). I suppose my inspiration comes from my wild imagination, as well as the support I've gained from other Wattpad users as well as from some of my family who knows that I write.

2 are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment? 

Of course I'm surprised! I get a little jolt of happiness when someone reads, votes, or comments on my work, especially when they follow me afterwards! It really brightens my day!

3 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

If I could hang out with my favorite celebrity, I'd hang out with Chris Hemsworth. I'd take the guy to an amusement park, and then we can talk about Thor.

 4 how would you spend a rainy day? 

I typically spend rainy days bundled up in a blanket, listening to the rain. I love watching the rain, especially when it pours during a storm. I absolutely adore thunderstorms. Otherwise, I might take a nap, or read. Otherwise, I'm playing video games on a rainy day.

5 what's your schedule regarding your writing? 

My schedule regarding writing is hazy, but I write at least once a week. I may have sporadic updates, but generally speaking, I update "The Battle Within An Angel" often.

6 what's your favorite holiday and why? 

My favorite holiday is Christmas. I celebrate the birth of my savior, as well as getting a week out of school to do absolutely nothing. Not to mention spending quality time with my family.

7 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad? 

My favorite thing about Wattpad is the fact that you can communicate with other writers, besides sharing your own! Wattpad has an amazing community, and most of the people I've met have been really kind, as well as helpful when it comes to reviewing/critiquing my works!

8 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask? 

If I could gain advice from any writer, I'd talk to Gena Showalter (Don't judge, I only read her teen fiction works) about the Everlife Series. It was certainly intriguing, and I couldn't put down Firstlife! I'd ask Gena what her inspiration for the series was, and what advice she could give to a writer like myself.

9 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer? 

I'd advise newcomers to always... and I mean ALWAYS be open to feedback! Don't snap at someone for hating your story or for someone critiquing you without asking, ask what you can do better! After all, they're your readers, certainly they have something valuable to share! Also, write what you love, and spend time trying to find your voice. Don't write Romance just because it's popular. Write that Fantasy novel because you adore elves!

10 what's your favorite book? 

My favorite book this far is Infinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

11 what's your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is Looper.

request time!

My story, The Battle Within an Angel, is certainly the most well written work I have, as I'm on the third draft! If you're looking for a thrilling Science Fiction work with a dash of romance and deceit, my work is for you! Check it out! I'd certainly be grateful!

My story, The Battle Within an Angel, is certainly the most well written work I have, as I'm on the third draft! If you're looking for a thrilling Science Fiction work with a dash of romance and deceit, my work is for you! Check it out! I'd certai...

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