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I received an Honorable Mention in The Creativity 2019 Historical Fiction Section. In my six years on Wattpad, this is the first award I've won so I was really excited that I managed to get a mention.

1 what inspired you to write?

So this is a funny story. I've been a bookworm for as long as I can remember. I always had a book in my hand...even when I had chores to do. One of the most effective punishments my parents ever came up with was to take my books away for a certain amount of time. Loophole: anything I wrote was still fair game. I had such fun coming up with characters and plots, I kept writing. From fanfiction to my own original works.

 2 what's your favorite holiday and why? 

Since I don't celebrate, all holidays are the same for me: time for a book and sleeping in!

3 what's your favorite snack? 

Easy. Chocolate! My complexion suffers but I love anything chocolate!

4 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Take time to interact with any readers you get. Thank anyone who comments, answer a question the reader has left, or just do something to let them know that you read the comment.

 5 how would you spend a rainy day? 

Curled up with a Jane Austen book with a cup of hot chocolate and my cat purring by me.

6 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist? 

Oh, this is a hard question! I love music. All kinds of music: classical, pop, techno, contemporary, folk music, electric swing, soundtracks... I think the one song I could listen to no matter what would be The Phantom of the Opera, by Andrew Lloyd Webber. 

7 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask? 

I would talk to Georgette Heyer. She was the Queen of Regency Romance in her day, and I love the range of characters she wrote about. I would ask her how she went about researching since the internet wasn't around in her time.

8 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment? 

Oh, absolutely! Some of my stories have been up for several years now, and I'm always delighted when someone new lets me know how much they enjoy what I've written. I try to answer as many comments as I can.

9 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

I would hang out with Benedict Cumberbatch and I would make him give me a tour of London.

10 what's the best way to handle a bully?

First of all, avoid places where you could get caught by the bully. If a bully catches you, walk away! Find a trusted adult and tell them what's happening. 

11 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

Well, first I would have to pick myself up off the floor! Then, I would probably go out for ice cream with my best friend.

 Request time!

I think the first book I would suggest someone read would be Not my Idea (Honorable Mention Winner!). It is the first of a series and book two will be the next project I start posting. It's set in the Regency era and follows the misadventures of Lucas Bywood, who thinks he is charming but is a bit of a complainer. Everything that can go wrong, does.

 Everything that can go wrong, does

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