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winner of: 2nd place in romance

winner from: S&E Awards 

My book He's Probably Gonna Spit in My Drink won second place in the romance category of the Possibility Awards while my other story, Not Fallen...Yet placed first in the Paranormal category. It was an honor to place not once but twice in these great awards :)

1 how would you spend a rainy day? 

Since I'm both a high school senior and freshman college student, my life is a constant whirlwind of assignments and classwork. So, in all honesty, I would probably spend a rainy day catching up on sleep. Lame - But true.

2 what inspired you to write? 

The desire to share my stories with others - The feedback I receive when one of my stories is posted literally becomes the fuel to turn out another story. I love knowing people enjoy my work.

3 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

Ah... Non-Existent. I cram what I can between class periods when I'm lucky.

 4 what's your favorite holiday and why? 

Lol. My boyfriend refers to me as a "Holiday Nazi" because I celebrate each one with unrestrained vigor - I do not pick favorites among my children XD

5 what's your favorite book?

The Maze Runner series because it inspired me to write so much.

 6 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

I honestly don't have a favorite author, but I would ask any author where they find the time and motivation to write.

 7 what's a song you enjoy? 

I don't have a particular favorite, but oddly enough, there are a few songs I listen to that I don't even like but play on repeat because they help me get into the mindset of a character.

8 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

Real answer... Ki Hong Lee - Lewd things that should not be mentioned here.

9 Are you still surprised when you gain a new vote, follow or comment? 

Comments still surprise me more than anything, just 'cause it's so interesting to see what others think of my work.

10 what's your dream vacation? 

I have a long held dream of someday going to California but the state has so much that it would take quite an extended vacation - Not to mention a fortune - to see and do all the things I would like.

11 how would you advise a Wattpad newbie? 

Most guides I read starting out recommended posting on message boards and interacting with people but, honestly, that never really worked for me. Post regularly and involve yourself in contests - But still expect it to take a long time...

Request time!

I'd recommend He's Probably Gonna Spit in My Drink - It's a quick read, humorous, and features not only ethnic but LGBTQ+ representation

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I'd recommend He's Probably Gonna Spit in My Drink - It's a quick read, humorous, and features not only ethnic but LGBTQ+ representation.

Meet the authors contest edition Volume #1Where stories live. Discover now