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Contest:  Chaos awards 5
Placement: Honorable mention in adventure

I actually found out I was among the winners before opening the actual book. I could see it in the notifications: 'Creative Chaos mentioned you in Adventure Winners' and 'Creative Chaos added The Breath of Wings to TCA 5 Winners'. I still had low self-esteem, especially when it came to writing and it didn't help I'd had a cruddy day at school. So when I found out I got the honorable mention award, I thought it was better than nothing and applauded myself. Winning an award, even though it may be considered mediocre in comparison to 1st place, gave me a little more bounce in my step. It made me believe a little more in myself and my book. 

1. What's the best way to handle a bully?

 Well, you need to remember that you cannot stoop to the bully's level first. Remember that you're better than he/her in that you have the courage not to vent your negative feelings on innocent people. So hold your head high and don't let the bully's words get to you - you write your own story and you can be the hero of the bully's story too. Always be prepared to help your bully too: it is possible they are mean because of personal issues like family, so be patient and be willing to help them if it's clear they need it. As well as that, be sure to talk to a teacher, parent or guardian about what has happened. If you don't do something about it, it won't stop. Rapunzel doesn't need to wait for the prince to rescue her. You can be the hero of your own story.

How would you spend a rainy day? 

I'm going to be honest and say that I rarely go outside anyways because of homework, etc. So a rainy day isn't going to be that different for me, meaning that you'll find me playing my violin, piano, listening to my Spotify on shuffle play whilst I update my book The Breath of Wings or binge-watching anime.But metaphorically speaking, on a day where I feel blue, the answer is simple - I'd curl up in my room and bawl my eyes out on my sofa. Once I've cried and calmed down, I'll go take a shower, change, go downstairs and either distract myself with anime or homework.

3. What's your favorite book? 

You're making me choose???? I'm simply spoilt for choice! I love the Throne of Glass and ACORAT series both by Sarah Mass and the Night School series by C J Daugherty is a recent favorite of mine! I love all of Cassandra Clare's works and Lyn Gardner is a good author even if her books are meant for people younger than me. When I feel like returning to my roots, I'll go back to reading Land of Stories by Chris Colfer and Harry Potter (and I don't really need to say who by). Another nostalgic favorite of mine is Dork Diaries, mostly because it's so relatable, cliché and cheesy.

4. What's your favorite movie?

 Sorry guys I'm more of a cartoon, anime hippie than a movie watcher but I guess I love The Rise of the Guardians from when I was a kid and Fairy Tail's Dragon Cry movie. I wanna finish watching The perks of being a wallflower some day and watch To all the boys I've watched before, since both book versions were awesome.

5. If you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

 Um I'm not sure I really have a celeb favorite since I'm just not interested in them. I think I'd go for someone like Demi Lovato and ask her how do you have confidence in yourself and how do you keep trying when the point of it is lost. I'd probably spend the day talking and taking relaxing walks down a cliff at night in the cool air, eat ice cream at sunset, tour a city I've never been to, meet new people...there's so much I wanna do! 

6. What's your favorite holiday and why? 

Definitely Christmas. I'll choose Christmas over my birthday any day. You get to celebrate with friends and family and everyone gets involved. It's like a link between us and gives us something to look forward to before we have New Year. I love spending time with my family and the excitement of all the form competitions we have at school and all the Christmassy traditions my friends and I have. 

7 What's one Wattpad goal? 

For me, finally completing a book and connecting with other readers and writers, especially those of your genre. It's also important to know who your biggest target audience is and hear what they think of your story.

How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

 Knowing me, I'd have to plan how to tell my parents first and pray they wouldn't get mad at me for like giving my details and entering competitions. I'd hope they support me first. Then I'll freak out freak out and bombard my message board with thanks to my readers. I must not forget jumping around the room like a demented kangaroo needing to pee.

What's your dream vacation?

 I would say Japan, but I've been there. I would say Vienna, since I'm a musician, but I'm going there soon. So now, I'll say California! It's so pretty and it keeps getting mentioned, like in books, songs, movies and I constantly see in Wikipedia that people who are famous say there's from there. 

10. What's your favorite thing about Wattpad? 

What I love about Wattpad is that it's free, easy to use and the community is so friendly!

11 What's your favorite TV show?

 Is it weird that I don't watch TV (unless you count YouTube as TV). In terms of cartoon, Miraculous Ladybug, though I'm a Regal Academy fan too! In terms of anime, I love so many, especially Fairy Tail, Noragami, No Game No Life, etc.!

request time!

The Breath of Wings is the book I entered The Chaos Awards 5 in and won the honorable mention

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The Breath of Wings is the book I entered The Chaos Awards 5 in and won the honorable mention. I've spent so much time in it, including frustration, planning and storage (on my phone) on it. It'll mean a lot if you guys will have a read and comment what you think about it. I'm constantly asking how I can improve so I won't hate on you if it's not your thing. 

Here's a bit of the blurb: 'A band of wizards travel over the world to look for their lost leader. Whilst they travel, they are forced to commit unspeakable horrors and fight the darkness. But every person has a part to play in this story. More than they realize...'Though I feel like the blurb doesn't do TBoW justice, I feel like I've poured myself into this story. As in, all the different characters have a part of me beating inside their chest. It's full of emotion and suspense, like life itself. We live on the edge...

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