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winner from: The dream awards

placement: 3rd Place in Fantasy-Traveling Salesman: Astronomgonist and 1st Place in Poetry-Scars of Armor 

For both my books to win has been an honor. I'm totally floored. I started writing Traveling Salesman: Astronomgonist when I was in college in 2012 and I never thought it would grow so well. I started posting chapters of it starting in 2016 and I kept taking it down because was constantly shaping and rewriting it since the characters and the story kept taking me to new avenues. And because I only had a few chapters here and there at the time and I felt I needed to be rounded out as it was taking me on this journey of where it wanted to go. As for my poetry, Scars of Armor I swore I'd never write another poetry book. I already had another poetry book out on Amazon and I was tapped out. And for a while I didn't do any poetry or read any poets for over four years. But it all started with an anti-bullying poem I wrote and titled Scars of Armor for a contest here on Wattpad. And when I didn't win that contest that day Scars of Armor the poetry book with the same title to honor that particular poem was born. That poem was put as the first chapter and from them on more poems I wrote followed.

1. What inspired you to write? 

I was say my own life experiences, my love of it. And the fact my middle school teacher Ms. Wilson saw my true talent during a short story assignment we did in class for a grade. I got A+. She said you have real talent. I guess you could say she first discovered me as I'd discovered I had another talent. One of previous talents was sketch drawing. I'd started that when I was ten years old. And thought I lost that talent but found it had evolved into my descriptive way of storytelling. 

2. If you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask? 

I have a lot of favorite authors, most of them classic authors like Edgar Allan Poe, Bret Harte, Tennessee Williams, Sylvia Plath, Nathaniel Hawthorne to name a few. But if I had to choose it'd be Nathaniel Hawthorne. I would let him know that the way he wrote his works particular Young Goodman Brown and House of Seven Gables made feel that my unorthodox, maybe a better word unique made me feel I'd found a kindred spirit as well as with Poe of course and that my feeling comfortable in that shouldn't be looked upon as wrong because its unconventional or not traditional. They were unique and didn't write the usual way that was deemed more acceptable. They were before their time; perhaps beyond their time is better put. And I know for fact I am beyond my time. But like them I don't shy away from the unusual way that I write a storyline, characters, plot etc. They did it in their own distinct style and they didn't change for anyone. And I am the same way. So I wouldn't ask them anything just commend them for their bravery and talents that have stood the tests of time.

3. What's your schedule regarding your writing? 

I don't have a schedule. I write every day and every chance I get. There is no planning or scheduling. Just the fact that the muse doesn't let me sleep and the inspiration never leaves me. Though sometimes I wish it would let sleep for a few hours before it pummels me with ideas. But no. It screams, "Never!" 

4. What's one Wattpad goal?

 To finish Traveling Salesman: Astronomgonist and Scars of Armor and publish them with my other books that I already have on Amazon. I publish my own books and I also publish other authors. I'll do the marketing and promotion for my books as well as other authors. I do interviews as well as interview other authors and do articles to represent them and their works. I have a background in Marketing, Promotion as well as English and Journalism to name a few. So that's guaranteed going to happen.

Meet the authors contest edition Volume #1Where stories live. Discover now