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~Next Day🌞🌈~

Jade POV:

I got up cause i had a lot to do today fr.. I did my hygiene thing and put on my black and white Elijah Mommi hoodie with my black skinny on and my black and blue pumps.. I did Eli hygiene and put a hoodie on him that said Eli it was black and blue then his black baggy skinnys and his black Timberland boots and drove to mcdonalds..

~At mcdonalds drive thru~😂

MCL: Hello welcome to mcdonalds how may i take your order?

Jade: Umm 2 small frenchfries a mcchicken a large hi-c and a apple juice..

Mcl: ok Np (giving her the recipe)

Jade: (takes Eli and sits down)

??: Heyy stranger!

Jade: (looks up) Tezz Heyy..

Tez: Hey wassup this your son?

Jade: Oh yeaa we got a big day today (smilin at Eli)

Tez: oh what yall doin?

Jade: Goin to see grandma and he gettin dreads so its gonna take forever!!

Tez: ahh damm

McL: 2 Small fries, mcchicken, hi-c large, and apple juice!!?

Jade: Me (getting the food and leaving)

Tez: ok hmp sometime (yelling)

Jade: (nods head)

Jade POV:

Nice running in to Tez but i had to hurry i gave Eli his fries and poured the apple juice in his bottle and gave it to him then On my way! To my mamas house lol..

Ray POV:

I was at home and i couldn't find Jade the i remembered she took him to see her mom today and then to the hair appointment so its house all to me today!

~Ding Dong~

Ray: (going to the door)

Prod: (walks in)

Ray: Damm niggga!

Prod: (laughing) Were ugly at?

Ray: oh she took Eli to go see her mom then to his hair appointment (getting some cereal)

Prod: oh ard, just you today cooool!

Ray: Oh lawdd!

~Prince and Roc walk in~

Prince: yooo (grabbing a snack out the cabinet)

Ray: (laughs) wassup greedy ass..

Prince: (eating the snack) haha shutup..

Roc: (laughs) Dont make no sence was up Ray

Ray: aint Shit (laughing and Dapping him)

Jade POV:

I was at my mom house when i went in there and saw her sitting with some man??

Jm: Hey babe (taking Eli from her) and Heyyy my Eli!

Eli: (giggles)

Jade: Hey mom..

~Man walks up~

Jm: Oh Jade this is my friend Jackson..

Jackson: Hey nice to meet you (smiling)

Jade: hi nice to meet you too.

Jm: Aww i wanna keep him..??

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