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Ray gets Eli ready

Eli outfit:

Shirt: Grey and white says Youngin doin big things

Pants: Grey cargos

Shoes: Grey and white Jordan's

Ray outfit:

Shirt: Black tee

Pants: Tan Cargos

Shoes: Jordan black grapes

Accessories:Gold Chain

Jade POV:

I was sleep until i felt little hands patting my face and heard a familiar voice say mama i opened my eyes and it was Eli i looked at Ray with a ima kill you look..

Ray: Sorry had to wake you up some how..

Jade: shutup, (sitting up)

Ray: (gives her breakfast) You still mad?

Jade: Nope (starts eating) Best babe in the world!

Ray: Ikkk.. (Smirkin) Guess who downstairs

Jade: Who (still eatin)

Ray: Prod ass (laughin)

Prod: Yall talkin shit?

Jade: (eating eggs)

Prod: (starts singing: She woke up like that not flawless she woke up like that then throws a pillow at her causing the food to fall)

Ray: (starts laughing)

Jade: (gives Ray a evil glare) (throws a pillow at Prod) WTF!(getting up)

Ray: (dyes laughin) Babe you mad?

Jade: (does her hygiene thing ignorin them and gets dressed wearing:

Jade outfit:

Shirt: All white muscle shirt with a grey tour in Paris

Pants: Black high waisted skinnys

Shoes: Black pumps with white at the bottom

Hair: Ponytail hanging longggg..

Accessories: Silver hoop earings

Prod: aww JADEYY madd (laughing)

Jade: (ignores them and goes downstairs)

Ray: (laughing and following her)

Jade: (takes Eli from him and gets on her phone)

Prod: Jade we just playin..

Ray: She mad (pushing her)

Jade: Stfu! (Pushing him back)

Prod: yall chill it was a joke (takin Eli)

Jade: Yall annoyin..

Prod: You annoyin..

Ray: Yea shidd we just playin around..

Jade: (gets up and goes to her car and pulls off)

~Roc walks in~

Roc: Wassup witcha girl??

Ray: Man we was just playin wit her and her anger problems took over and she mad..

Prod: (sitting down with Eli) Yep

Roc: Well yall do play to much (taking Eli and playin with him)

Prod: Man shutup!

Roc: Nigga you shutup but what yall do?!

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