Fake Ahh

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Jade: (invites Courtney, And Kyra over)

~They Come in~

Jade: man im mad miracle moved and shit!

Courtney: Truu

Kyra: I dont like her..

Jade: (laughs) Why?

Kyra: if i tell yall this yall cant tell no fuckin body!

Jade: Bishh i aint like that..😑😒✌️

Courtney: Same here 😒

Kyra: (laughs) ik but she messed with Prod when i was with him..

Jade&Courtney:😧 Bishhh!!

Jade: i would have fucked her up!!!

Courtney: Me too she prolly messed with Roc or Ray shidd..

Jade: (looks at Courtney) Man i would fuck her up!

Kyra: Yep and that bitch pregnant by prod i think im done with prod we still love together but he sleeps downstairs..

Jade&Courtney: (mouth drops)

Courtney: Wtf?! Does Prince know?

Jade: She always gettin on Prince talkin bout be loyal and she unloyal wtf i thought she was cool and Prince changing wich is good but bruhhh..

Courtney: Yooo Kyra how do you even stand to stare at him?!

Kyra: i just do..

Jade: So how this shit happen cause they aint just fuck out of know where??

Kyra: well when i was at work she came to my house and was waitin for me to get off prod was like you can come in and wait an then i guess they just started fuckin and i caught them..

Jade: i dont like that hoe no more her fake ahh

Courtney: Yea fake ahh bitch!

Kyra: yea i beat her ass too then they just moved but Prince comin back i heard him talkin to--

*Ding Dong*

Jade: (gets up and opens the door) PRINCEYY!!

Prince: JADEEY (putting Jade on his back)

Miracle: Heyy JADEYY girl!

Jade: (looks at her like bitch)

Prince: (walks in and sits with jades legs on his lap)

Miracle: um okay (walks in the house and sits down) Heyy Court and Kyra....

Kyra: Mmhm hey.. (Starts textin) and Heyy Prince i aint seen you in a while!

Prince: Yea ik! (Pushing jades legs off him and hugging Kyra)

Courtney: Hey Prince and Mhm hey Miracle(rolling her eyes)

Jade: (kicks Prince in his abs playfully) nigga did i tell you to push my legs off you... ?

Prince: Sis you think you tuff till i fuck you up where Ray and Eli??

Jade: Boys night out..

Prince: oh ima finna go hang with them seeya sis (hugging everyone) and bye baby (kissing her)

Miracle: Bye babe and remember no cheating! (Rubbing her stomach and kissing him)

Jade,Courtney and krya: (all look at eachother like this bitch)

Prince: (leaves)

Miracle: So wassup girlies?

Jade: Aint shit (textin)

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