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***Next Day***

Jade POV:

Eli was sleep and Courtney was in her room im guessing sleep Ray blew my phone up all day but fuck that niggga im straight shidd..

Courtney: (throwing up)

Jade: (walks into the bathroom with her) Girll you good??

Courtney: Nahh, my stomach fuckin hurt.. Ughh

Jade: damm i needed you to take Eli to Ray's but its all cool im fina take him and get you some ginger ale and soup i be back Kay boop?

Courtney: ard Sis (laying back down in her bed)

Jade: (does her hygiene thing and puts on: shirt: red and black Marilyn Monroe hoodie

Pants: red high waisted pants

Shoes: red and black pumps

Hair: neat bun with red bandana wrapped around her head

Accessories: diamond earings

*At Ray House after the Grocery Store*

Jade: (knocks on the door)

??: Um who is you??

Jade: Um who is you shidd??

Eli: Where is dad?

Ray: Oh i thought Courtney was gonna bring him here,

Jade: nah she sick, but go head Eli,

Eli: (walks in lookin at the woman strangely) Who are you??

??: im Amanda Ray's girlfriend/ babymomma..

Jade: (looks at Ray) aw congratulations (walking to the car)

Amanda: Thanks (going inside the house)

Ray: (follows Jade) Aye Jade can i tell you sum?

Jade: No (pulls off)

*At Jade house*

Courtney: So how was everything sis??

Jade: It was awful... He has a babymomma she must got pregnant when me and him WAS married..

Courtney: SMDH! You know what you should do?

Jade: Wassup (sitting next to Courtney)

Courtney: you should do a photo shoot with August and make a song with him since you can sing AND you can rap!

Jade: Truu ask him for me,

Courtney: okay im finna go get it at straight now (running upstairs)

Jade: bett.. (Sitting on the couch drinking wine)

*1 hour later*

Courtney: JADE JADE!!!

Jade: (wakes up) what what!!?

Courtney: August agreed to so a song with you!

Jade: OMG YAY!!!!(jumping up and down)

Courtney: yes come on we gotta go to the studio now!

Jade: Dam okay come on!

**At The Studio**

Security: Who are you?

Jade: im Jade..

Security: ook rite this way (leading her to a recording studio)

Jade: cool (walking with him)

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