I love you (ithink)

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Jade POV:
When i woke up i had flowers on my nightstand and roses all on my bed with some chocolates on my bed um i hope Ray isn't doin this cause he is cut off even tho i still kinda love him...

August: (comin in with a tray of food and givin it to her) Breakfast in bed for my queen,(smilin his pretty ass smile)

Jade: (laughs and smile) aww thanks,

August: anything for my queen(kissin her lips passionately)

Jade: (smiles and kisses back) lets go to the studio today..?

August: ok Thas cool,

**Later that day**

Jade: (leg up spinnin around in the chair with a lollipop in her mouth) replay that first track.

Tom: k (doing as told)

August: you like it??

Jade: i love it! (Hugging him)

August: aww ok cool come on lets jet i wanna take you out to eat?

Jade: sure,

August: cool,

**At lunch**

Jade: i have a interview Tomorrow,

August: Thas wassup i think i get mine next week,

Waiter: hello ho--- JADE AND AUGUST!!!! (Hugging them) CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH???

Jade: sure (laughing and givin it to her)

August: (laughs and smiles and gives it to her)

Waiter: i love you guys and i can not wait until yall song release!! (Smilin hard ASF)

Jade: aw thats nice,

Waiter: yea but i already know what yall want Jade you want a Mountain Dew and August you want a Pepsi,??

Jade&august: yep (laughin)

Waiter: cool(walks away)

August: will you do me the honor and be mine (getting down on his knees pulling out a beautiful ass promise ring)

Jade: aww August yes!

August: (puts it on her finger and kisses her) Ilove you!

Jade: i um love you too (halfly smilin)

Crowd: (smilin and clappin)

Paparazzi: Are they married?????

Paparazzi: Do they love eachother????

Jade POV:
I was at my interview backstage getting ready i had on my makeup and my shades with my hair all way down long and straight with a Pink and white polo button up shirt and my white high waisted skinny jeans with my pink and white Jordan's to match and a couple gold chains..

TvD: Miss. Jade are you ready??

Jade: yep, (walking out on the stage infront of people and sitting in the chair)

Ellen: Hello miss.Jade im a big fan of you,

Jade: Thank you (sitting back with her legs crossed and shades on)

Ellen: you look very beautiful today guys am i rite??

Crowd: (roars yes!!)

Jade: (laughs) thanks,

Ellen: But while were up here i have a few questions for you.. (Smiling)

Jade: (smiling) dodge em,

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