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~The Next Day~

Ray POV:

I woke up and realized Jade wasn't there wtf where she go ik i shouldn't have cheated wtf is wrong with me!!??

Jade POV:

I had just picked up Elijah and we had brought this big ass house bigger than Ray's shidd bitch wanna cheat im finna stunt on his ass sex was so dumb last night since i was so sad i left early this mornin Eli keep askin bout his dad shit is annoyin i told him he would see him soon,

~At Jade house~

Jade: man yo that nigga cheated again he cut off

Courtney: Dam rite and girl ya house big as shit!

Jade: yea ik (Smirkin)

Courtney: Girl you crazy!

Jade: (laughs) ik,

Courtney: aye can i ya know stay here for a bit?

Jade: of course dummy!

Eli: ooooh you said a bad word (comin from upstairs)

Jade: (laughs) boy shutup

Eli: (laughs) mom im hungry i wanna sandwich and some chips and some juice

Jade: ard i gotchu Melina!

Melina: Huh (walking to her)

Courtney: But Ayo we should invite the twins over!

Jade: Court i just got out a relationship, and make Eli a sandwich with chips and juice please..

Melina: Yes ma'am

Courtney: So...

Jade: No! Besides i dont wanna have a husband that look just like yours (laughing)

Courtney: (laughs) Ok well i have this boy i been talkin to and he has a friend;)😊😉

Jade: Oh lord ok whatever sure,

Courtney: Yay ille invite them around 7:00pm

Jade: Thas cool..

Courtney: Cool but where do i sleep?

Jade: um i have like 3 guest rooms you can decide which one you want..

Courtney: cool (goin upstairs)

Eli: (takes a few more bites of his sandwich) so auntie gonna be living with us,

Jade: Nah she just stayin for little..

Eli: Oh cool now i can see uncle roc everyday, (smilin and eating his chips)

Jade: Nah only Auntie (walking upstairs)

Eli: oh (drinkin his juice)

Jade: (going upstairs she had on:

Shirt: Versace longsleave half shirt

Pants: Highwaisted black leggings

Shoes: Black pumps

Hair: In a messy bun

Accessories: Heart necklace and a bandana wrapping around her head like a head band

Courtney: (walk in the room) i fount my room i want its beautiful as shit can i do sum shoppin?

Jade: sure aye find sum stuff for Eli room too please sum basketball shit,

Courtney: your moving to fast what of you get back with Ray?

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