I Love You babe

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*3 Years Later*

Ray and Jade are back together Ray plays on a professional nba team Miami heat and Jade is a housewife and Btw Eli is 4 YAY!!

Prince and Miracle had there baby Prince got therapy doing better On it there baby is James and he is now 2.. And they moved btw

Courtney and Roc are constantly fighting like fr but they love each other and love making up😋

Kyra and prod are just together not really love..

Jade POV:

I woke when Eli came running in my room talkin about a dam ice cream truck i start the smack the hell out him but then i noticed it was 12:00 and Ray game started at 1:30 i hurried up and did my hygiene and got Eli ready

My outfit:

Shirt: Miami heat hoodie

Pants: High waisted black shorts

Shoes: High top socks red and black nike with the red bred 11's

Hair: Long and straight with a beanie that says Miami heat

Accessories: Chain that says GoHeat

Eli outfit:

Shirt: Miami heat hoodie

Pants: black cargo shorts

Shoes: red need 11's

Hair: (it grew all way back out😂😩) In dreads again with a SnapBack that says Miami heat

Accessories: Chain saying GoHeat

Jade POV:

I was driving to Ray game it was 1:15 when i arrived.. I put Eli on my lap and we cheered Ray on then all my friends came in Yay!!

Prince: Jadey!! Haven't seen you in a grip..

Miracle: ikr hey girl (hugging her)

Jade: Hey wassup.. Lemme see the baby (reaching for James) He look like Miracle and Prince all mixed in one😂.. Awww

Prod: He is bad! (Laughing and hugging me) i missed you Jadey!

Jade: i missed you too proddy pooh.. (Hugging back)

Kyra: Hey girlll!! (Hugging me)

Jade: Heyy shorty Shortyy! (Hugging)

Roc: Wassup Jadey (hugging me)

Jade: Wassup my quiete lil bird (hugging him)

Roc: (laughs)

Court: SISSSSYY!!!! (Hugging tf out her)

Jade: Dam Heyyy sissyyy!! (Hugging back)

Eli: Dang i aint get no hey wassup or Ayee

Everyone: (laughs) Heyy Eli! (Hugging an Dapping him)

Prod: Lil Ray rite there..

Court: Come here god son (putting Eli between Jade and her)

Ray: (shoots a three and makes it)

Everyone: WOOOOOOH!!! GO RAY!!!

Girl1: MARRYMEE!!!


Jade: Groupie asses (laughing)

Courtney: When yall go out yall finna have hella paparazzi!

Jade: TRUE! But me and Ray ridin in the limo yall wanna come?

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