Its over finally

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Aaliyah: (starts screaming and crying)

Court: OMG (running in and grabbing Aaliyah)

Wayne: (taking the tape off everyone) Yall good?

August: (runs to Charles and started repeatedly beating the SHIT out of him)

Jade: mom you okay (lifting her up)

Jm: Yes im fina baby are you guys okay?

Eli: (starts helping August beat Charles)

Wayne: (starts kicking Charles in his face repeatedly)

Jade: (pulling them off) let the cops deal with this fool!

Cops: (come in running) Is everyone okay?!

Jade: Nigga do we look okay😑😑!

Cops: im sorry (taking and cuffing Charles) I think he may be dead,

Aaliyah: (crying and putting her face in courts chest) Im scared!

Jade: (takes Aaliyah from court) it's okay babe, (starts crying) 😞

August: its over babe (wrapping his arms around Jade)

Eli: You okay grandma (hugging Jm)

Jm: yea im fine babe im just glad its over😪😅

Wayne: (goes to get Regina) You ight babe?

Regina: What was that loud noise daddy??

Wayne: Nothing,

Jade: Mom ima get you a house a few doors down from me okay?

Jm: yea baby, im sick of this house all these bad memories,

Jade: yea ik,

*Ring Ring Ring*

📱Phone Convo📱
Jade: Hello?

??: Hey JADEYY!

Jade: Who's this??

??: Its Prince im out of jail can you come get me??

Jade: aww Princey!! Heyy you wont believe the shit that just happend and ille send my limo driver to come get you,

Prince: tell me all about it sis and ok cooool😎,

Jade: ight bro (hangs up)

August: who was that??

Jade: Princeton..

August: ohh shidd i aint seen that nigga in a grip,

Jade: yea he out of jail

August: oh dws..

Jade: yea im gettin my limo driver to go get him,

August: cool but is my family okay??

Them: yea

Jade: mom i cant believe he is finally gone (hugging Jm)

Jm: yea ik that bitch was gonna do something to Aaliyah (kissing Aaliyah's cheek)

Eli: ik bruh i woulda kilt him if he did i swear bruh!

August&Wayne: me and you both (Dapping him)

*Later On That Day*
*At Jade House*
Prince: im glad to be out of jail bruh!

Jade: shidd ik you is!

August: Yea its hard in there!

Wayne: Dam rite!

Eli: Mom can jasmine come over?

Jade: idc,

Eli: cool,

Aaliyah: mom is he gonna come back?

Jade: nah babe never ever do you have to worry about him, (hugging her)

Aaliyah: ok (smiling and hugging her)

*Ring Ring Ring*
Jade: hello??

??: Hey sis,

Jade: ?? Who this??

??: Niggga! Its prod

Jade: ohh Heyy prodd!!

Prod: yea i heard Prince got out today..

Jade: yea he rite beside me,

Prince: who that??

Jade: Prod..

Prod: Tell him im sorry about everything,

Jade: Yo Prince he said he sorry about everything..

Prince: its all cool..

Jade: he said its cool..

Prod: aye im finna come over,

Jade: ard, (hangs up)

Prince: aye you said you had sum to tell me that happend today,

Jade: oh bruh!

Everybody except Prince: (explains to him what happend)

Prince: Bruhh! Man i would have beat tf out of him!

August, wayne&: shidd we did!

Prince: Good job shidd(Dapping them)

Prod: (walks in) Jadey!!!!

Jade: (jumps in his arms) PRODDD POOH!!

Court: just like old times!

Prod: yea where Roc??

Court: i dont go with him no more i go with wayne now and this is my daughter (pointing to Regina)

Prod: Dam i haven't talked to yall in forever!

Jade: ik fake ahh!

Aaliyah: mommy said a bad word (giggling)

Prod: this your daughter Jade??

Jade: Yep me and august's

Prod: Aww and where my mofo nigga Eli at?!

Jade: upstairs with his girl,

Prod: how old is he now??

Jade: 17,

Prod: grown Ass!


Eli: (walks downstairs) wa-- YOO PRODD WASSUP (dappin him)

Prod: wassup Godson (laughin and dappin him)

Eli: Num ben chillin,

Prod: i heard that,

Eli: Mmhm (runs back upstairs)

Prod: Ayo um Prince we cool?

Prince: Yea man we cool, (laughs)

Prod: good shidd

They all talk and chill then they go to sleep

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