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Eli outfit:

Shirt: Black and yellow polo tee striped

Pants: black baggy skinny jeans

Shoes: Jordan retro 14's yellow and black

Accessories: Couple gold chains, Gold Rolex, gold ring, SnapBack backwards

Jade outfit:

Black and yellow polo tee striped

Pants: black skinny jeans

Shoes: Jordan retro 14's yellow and black

Accessories: gold chain, gold Rolex, gold ring, SnapBack on with hair hanging curly and long,

August outfit:

Same as Eli's

Paparazzi: (taking pics of them)

Jade: come on we need a pic for instagram before people start flooding thru (gives phone to Court)

They put up the west side sighn

Court: (takes hella pics) there so cute!

Jade: ayye we fresh (laughin) and happy 17th birthday babe (hugging him) we got you a gift its outside, (smilin and uploading the pic to Instagram)

Instagram caption: My son Eli Birthday shit 😈 He finally 16 he aint legal🔞 but can still get that ass whooped😂😘💯👊💢👌🎉🎉@elisneakerhead @augustalsina

Eli: (runs outside) YO MOM DAD YALL BOUGHT ME A BUGATTI!!!!!

Jade: Yep,

August: (laughs) yep son,

Eli: (hugs them tight) man i love yall now let get this party STARTED!

Everyone floods into the house its music playing and Eli is having fun and jasmine is there,

Wayne: ayyyye i brought lean (laughin)

Jade: cool bro (takin the lean)

??: Jade?!

Jade: Yes?

??: Man girl you dont remember me??

Jade: Nah whats ya name??

??: Diggy!

Jade: (thinks on his name) Ohhhh Diggy omg!! (Hugging him) it's been forever!!

Diggy: Yea ik, (hugging her) so you and Ray broke up..

Jade: Yea but now i go with August,

Diggy: oh ok (walks away)

~a Few Hours Pass~

Eli is staying at the chill mansion and jasmines staying with him, so it was just Jade and August at home and Eli had a after party going on,

Jade: (walks upstairs and puts on her night clothes then lays down)

August: (does the same and starts kissing Jade neck)

Jade: (pushes him off her) stop,

August: Oh lort why you mad? 😒

Jade: I saw you staring at that girl yall talked for a while and i saw you stare at her ass... 😠😒

August:😶 oh nah she was just a thottie..

Jade: look i aint finna go thru the same shit i went thru with Ray..

August: but she was just a chick at the party babe chill you over reacting..

Jade: mhm Thas exactly what Ray said she just pussy, (mocking Ray) but its cool i aint worried..

August: babe (kissing her neck)

Jade: finna go sleep,

August: nah (getting on top of her) babe

Jade: what,

August: (starts kissin on her neck) your so beautiful,

Jade: aww thanks,

August: (yea starts kissin her neck and suckin on it)

Jade: (starts moanin)

August: (strips them)

Yall know what happend!😂💏💏😘

*next day*

Jade POV:

I got up and ran straight to the bathroom and started to throw up aww shit!

August: bae you good?

Jade: idk get me one of my pregnancy tests,

August: (gets it and gives it to her)

Jade: (takes it) well im Pregoo...

August:yay!!! Aren't you happy??

Jade: im very (smilin and kissin him)

I'm not really good with the whole time period of being pregnant so im skipping to where Jade has the baby its a girl her name is Aaliyah😘 and wayne is godfather and they dont have a god mom yet, act like Aaliyah is 1,

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