Party Party Party!

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~Jade house~

Jade POV:

I was gettin dressed and btw Eli is at Ray's sisters house, this is the outfits me and Ray had on

Ray: Babe you look beautiful

Jade: Thanks now come on its 8:45pm already!

Ray: (laughs)

~At The Party~

Dwayne: Wassup Ray hey Jadeyyy! (Laughin)

Jade: (laughs) Wassup wayneee!

Ray: (laughs and daps him) wassup man

Lebron: Aye sup Jade, wassup Ray

Jade: Wassup bron bron

Ray: sup bro (Dapping him)

Prince: Aye yall


Prod: sup yall

Kyra: Hey guys

Roc: Sup

Court: Ayee wassup guys

Ray,Jade,Lebron, and wayne: Heyy wassup

Them: Num

Fan: Aye wassup my man Ray can you sighn my basketball?

Ray: (laughs) Sure (sighning it)

Fan: Aye Jade, I love all your songs,

Jade: Aw thanks

Fan: My wife has all of your shoes can you just take a pic with me?

Jade: oh sure

Fan: (pulls his phone out and takes a selfie with Jade) we look sexy

Jade: mhm..

Court: (laughs) I wish i was yall shidd

Jade&Ray:(laughs) dont say that

Papparizi: (takes hella photos)

Dwayne, Lebron and Ray: SECURITY!

Security: (escorts Pappariza somewhere else)

Prince: Dam,

Them: ikr like shit!

Prince: Babe why you so quiet (lookin at Miracle)

Miracle: babe when we get to Jade house i have to tell you somethin..

Prince: umm okayy....

Lebron: aye bros come on..

Boys: ard, (walks to the back with Lebron)

Kyra: so your gonna tell Prince about prod and you?

Miracle: mumbles: i might,

Jade: Well this shit gonna be crazy tonight!!

Courtney: Damm rite!

Miracle: Yea ik....

Kyra: well thats what ya Hoe ass get (grabbing Jade and courts arm as walkin off)

~Later on that night at Jade house~

Ray: man this party was live (sitting on the couch)

Jade: dam rite i have so many fans (smilin hard and sittin on Ray lap)

Courtney: you dam sure do..

Kyra: (laughs) Tru i had a fan or two you know since Jade and Ray my bro and sis (poppin her imaginary collar)

Courtney: yea same..

Prod: yall crazy (laughs)

Roc: Truu (putting Courtney on his lap)

Prince: (laughin) ard so babe what is it that you had to tell me?

Miracle: Huh oh um nothin..

Prod: (looks nervous)

Jade Kyra and Courtney:😐 woww...

Jade: (takes Ray phone and gets on it w/o him knowing..

Ray: yea tonight was crazy but ima catch yall later..

Them: Okayy... (Leaves)

Jade: (tears fallin down her eyes) voice crackin: Ray wtf is this?

Ray: huh (looking at her then at the pic on his phone of him and this girl kissing and there messages saying i love you)

Jade:... (Still cryin and dropping the phone)

Ray: babe nahh its not like that (pinning her to the wall and kissing her neck)

Jade: (moaning while crying)

Ray: (taking her upstairs bridal style and stripping eachother) Babee I love you listen..

Jade... (Hands over her face crying)

Ray: babe i hate it when you cry please stop.. (Starts kissing her neck) Babe i love you..

Jade: (keeps cryin) How could you do this to me?

Ray: (slides his dick in her) baby i love you remember that!

Jade: (starts moanin and crying) How could you do this to me again...

Ray: (starts fuckin her passionately) babe i love you (kisses her passionately)

Jade: (moans and covers her face)

~The Next Day~

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