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Jade POV:

I woke up but just went back to sleep i was still sad asf about Ray how could he i loved him a lot like a lot but now i hate him! I woke up and Courtney was downstairs i guess cause i heard Eli laughing and Courtney was downstairs saying you so cutee lol i love that girl she been with me thru everything!

Court: (walking upstairs) ughh Get up Girl!

Jade: (sits up) But i dont wanna (laughing and pouting)

Court: Bout time you smiled (laughs) I fed Eli im finna put him down for a nap when i get up i want you up and hype!

Jade: Whateva (getting up and doin her hygiene putting on some wears and a sports bra and her hair messy)

Court: (coming in the room) Oh hell nah another one of Courts bad breakup Makeovers ..

Jade: (laughs) Finneeee

Court: (applys a tiny bit of makeup since she dont need it and red lipstick)

Jade: mm lipstick muaww (laughing)

Court: Sis you crazy (Straightning her hair and putting sum short bangs in her face) ok now what will you wear..(giving her a outfit)

Jade: (puts on the outfit) PLEASE CLICK THE LINK!👇👇👇👇👇

Court: Girl you look good asf!

Jade: Aw thanks babe! (Huggin her) I love you sis!

Court: i love you too now Jacob L throwin another party lets go thru..

Jade: No.. (Sitting on the bed)

Court: Yess!!

Jade: I dont have a babysitter! Yea

Court: Call a family member!

Jade: Ohh! My sister Nic yeaa!

Court: Truu Go hurry!

(Jade Phone Convo)😁📱

Nic: Hey sis

Jade: Wassup sis wyd

Nic: Num where my nephew??

Jade: Sleep ughh he a handful

Nic: Drop his ass off here!

Jade: Nah that be too much on you(Smirkin)

Nic: Girl nah bring him now!

Jade: Ok were you live??

Nic: text you the address girl..

Jade: Cool (hangs up)

Court: We goin

Jade: Yep

Court: Good!

~Skipping to Nic house~

Jade: (knocking)

??: Ayeee wassup Beautiful?

Jade: (laughs) Hi where's Nicole?

??: Oh you her beautiful sister im her Friend wassup shordii (shaking her hand)

Nicole: Mark sit Th down!

Jade: (laughs and comes in)

Nicole: Awww look at my baby (taking Eli)

Jade: Yepp (sitting his bookbag down)

Mark: Can i have your number beautiful?

Jade: sure (giving it to him and kissing Eli)

Eli: Dada!!

Jade: Daddy will come get you tommorow babe (kissing Eli again)

Eli: (waves bye)

Jade: (laughs) ard see yall..(leaving)

Mark: Dam ya sis bad asff!

Nicole: Yea me and her.. (Poppin collar)

Mark: No just her😂😑

~At Jacob L Party~

JacobL: Ayee wassup shordii?

Jade: Hey.. (Looking down blushing)

Courtney: Im going to go mingle (laughin)

Jade: Ight girl (gets on her phone)

JacobL: (turns Jade face so she lookin at him) Who you here with beautiful..?

Jade: Just my sister..

JacobL: Oh your beautiful want a drink?

Jade: Sure (smilin)

JacobL: (gets her a drink and gives it to her) You are so beautiful whats your name?

Jade: Im Jade (smiling)

JacobL: Pretty, (smiling)

Jade: (smiles and blushes) Thank you (sipping her drink)

Ray POV:

I was at JacobL party drunk asf when i saw him and Jade talkin and she was blushing hard asff them mofos was flirtin i walked over to her...

JacobL: Aye wassup Ray?

Jade: (standing up and walks away and bumps into)

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