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Courtney POV:

It was ROC yesss i missed him so much i wonder what he want??

Roc: hey,

Court: hey...

Roc: Wyd??

Court: At Jade house shoppin online..

Roc: ook can we talk??

Court: Sure..

Roc: where Jade new house at??

Court: Ima text you it..(hangs up)

Court POV:

I texted roc the address he got here in like 1 hour i opened the door and there stood roc sexy ass,

Roc: Hey court,

Court: Hey roc,

Roc: lemme just say---

Court: no im sorry for cheating on you ik i was wrong it was cold shoulder babe im really sorry please forgive me i missed you so much since then please babe?

Roc: yea i love you too (starts tongue kissin her)

**Ding Dong**

Butler: (opens door) Oh hello Mr.Wayne Mr.Kendrick Mr. Meek, how are you all today??

Them: im straight now let us in...

Butler: thats my fault (moving out there way)

Wayne: WHO TF IS THIS NIGGA COURTNEY (grabbing her arm)

Kendrick: woww(getting a snack out Jade refrigerator and walkin to them)

Meek: bruh chill,

Court: he's my ex boyfriend Roc

Roc: Ex i aint yo fuckin ex no more

Court: i mean my boyfriend and wayne were um done


Court &Roc: (leaves)

Jade POV:

I was changing into sum regular clothes:

Then i felt hands on my waist wtf i turned around and saw it was August my babe,

August: Wasssup babe,

Jade: num come on..

August: i (kisses her then goes to her house)

**At Jade house**

Jade: (i walked in and saw Kendrick meek and wayne sitting on thee couch) where court at yall

Kendrick: (turns around) wassup Jay and she went with a nigga name roc..

Jade: oh Chresanto maybe they got back together..

Wayne: You knew about this (standing up)

Jade: about what??

Wayne: her fuckin around on me..

Jade: 1. i didnt know yall went out 2. Courtney cheats asshole (laughing and pushing him back down)

Wayne: oh.... Should have told me that,

August: (laughs and sits down and pulls Jade on his lap)

Meek: Wassup Jade,

Jade: oh hey Meek,

Meek: yea wassup Sneakerhead!

Jade: (laughs) shutup,

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