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Jade POV:

I woke up Ray was holding me i slid out his grip and went to get Eli and put him on top of Ray and let him pat his face while i faked like i was sleep payback a bitch...

Ray: Man wtf Jade!

Jade:....(faking sleep)

Ray: JADE! (Picking Eli up)


Ray: (puts Eli down and starts ticklin tf out her)

Jade: (starts laughin) Ard ardd!

Ray: why you put Eli on me?

Jade: i didnt.. (Lookin innocent)

Ray: Ooook (pickin Eli up) What we doin today??

Jade: Idkk...

Ray: O we---

~Phone Rings~

Jade: (answers) Hello?

??: Aye its Jaedon but look my girl having our baby shower wanna come since i haven't seen you in forever!?

Jade: Oh yea sure Ma uglly (laughing and hangin up)

Jade: looks like we have sum to do..

Ray: What??

Jade: Remember jaedon from the cookout?

Ray: yea thats my nigga he cool..

Jade: well his girl having a baby shower so looks like we have sum to do...

Ray: Cool (getting up and doing his hygiene thing) We matchin today??

Jade: Yea i gotta let them know who we is! For any bitches! (Laughin an doin her hygiene thing)

Ray Outift:

Shirt: black and white hoodie that says Mr

Pants: Black baggy skinnys

Shoes: white Air Force ones

Accessories: Black and white watch

Jade outfit:

Shirt: Black and white hoodie that says Mrs

Pants: Black skinnys

Shoes: Black and white pumps

Accessories: Black and white watch

Eli outfit:

Shirt: Black and white hoodie that says jr

Pants: black baggy skinnys

Shoes: white Air Force ones

Accessories: black and white watch with his black and white mustache pacifier

Jade: Letss go..

Ray: Yepp

Eli: (reaches arms up for Jade)

Jade: (picks him up and goes to the car)

~At The baby shower👶~

Jade: (walks in holding Ray hand and carrying Eli)

Jaedon: Ballqueen!

Jade: Ma ugly! Oh btw i brought my friends that cool?

Jaedon: Yep..

~Prod and Kyra walk in Prince and Miracle walk in and Roc and Courtney walk in~

Them: Hey(smilin)

Jaedon: Wassup..

Jade: Aye this my nigga rite here (laughin)

Jaedon: (laughs and daps Ray) wassup Bro

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