Chapter 34

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August POV:

I woke up up and started doin my hygiene i went downstairs and saw Eli and Aaliyah watchin tv she was playin with her dollhouse and Eli was on the phone with jasmine,

August: Yall already up good, (laughin)

Aaliyah: Daddy (hugging him)

August: (laughs) wassup babygirl, (pickin her up)

Jade: (comes from out the kitchen) wayne comin to see liyah today,

August: ook,

Aaliyah: Lil comin! 😃

Jade: yep babe (kissin her cheek) and Eli you really like that girl huh?

Eli: yea (starts talkin otp again)

Jade: (laughs and sits on the couch with her feet up)

August: Babe im finna go to the studio,

Jade: mmk,

August: cool (kisses her then leaves)

Jade: (takes pics with Aaliyah and Eli in the background to post to gram)

Instagram Caption: waiting for @WayneGetEmm to come see Liyah,😩😊

@wayneGetEmm- @JadeShvt open the door then,😜

Jade: (opens door) Hey wayne!

Wayne: wassup where my lil niggas at (walkin in)

Jade: over there (pointing to Aaliyah and Eli)

Wayne: Aye wassup my man (Dapping Eli and pickin Aaliyah up)

Aaliyah: Lil lil lil!!! (Hugging wayne)

Wayne: (laughs) wassup goddaughter?

Aaliyah: Nuttin,

Jade: Where my bitch Courtney at? (Shutting the door)

Wayne: she at the crib, she aint feel like comin she at home with Regina (there child) i told her bring Regina so her and Aaliyah could play,

Jade: her ass finna come (getting on the phone with Court)

*20 Mins Later*

Court: (walks in holding Regina) Ayee niglets!

Aaliyah: Auntiee!!

Court: Liyah!!! (Putting Regina down)

Regina: Auntiee!! (Hugging Jade legs)

Jade: (laughs and picks her up) wassup shordii!

Regina: nuffin, i mwiss you!

Jade: (laughs) i missed you too,

Court: Hey godson (hugging and Dapping Eli)

Regina: hey Liyah, (hugging her)

Aaliyah: hey Gina (hugging back)

Regina: Hwey Eli, (huggin his legs)

Eli: wassup we need some pics for gram, (starts taking pics and uploads them)

Instagram Caption- Me and My Niggas 😜😎😈 @WayneGetEm @CourtzGetEm @JadeShvt

*Ding Dong*

Butler: (opens door) hello miss.Jasmine (letting her in)

Jasmine: Hey, (walkin in)

Eli: Hey babe (kissin her) you ready?

Jade: Where yall going??

Eli: to the park to chill,

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