Chapter 27

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Third person's POV:

It wasn't a shock that the so called Rouge King order one of his minors to bring of the omegas to him. A nasty beta stepped in the prison with a disgusting smile on his face which showed his yellow rotten teeth.

His chuckled and leaned down to Jimin, he gripped his chin and observed his face. "What a fragile young omega" he grinned and gripped his chin tightly, jimin let out a small whimper in pain. The beta's smile grew widen "Ah and he is sensitive too! King would love a pup like you".

Jimin let out a broken cry "I would never go to your king!". The beta glared at him and slapped his puffy cheeks "Don't disrespect the king" he growled angrily and started undone his chains.

Taehyung couldn't stand his pack member being hurt, he ruffled his chain and shouted "Take me instead! Leave him alone". The beta's attention shifted to Taehyung. The beta kneed down in front of him and grabbed his face "What beauty and I didn't noticed you" he licked his lips. Taehyung mentally gagged, beta smelled disgusting like his appearance.

"Why so generous little pup?" The beta smirked and Taehyung smile "Because I am his luna". The beta smirked and opened his chains "The king will love you". Taehyung was pulled up harshly and was dragged outside the prison while Jimin cried loudly.

The beta dragged him to a big room which was very dark, soon the lights opened and revealed the route king lying on the bed shirtless. The king looked as young as Jungkook, his hair were black just like his eyes. Taehyung closed his eyes, he wanted to escape even through the route king wasn't half bad looking but he wanted to go back to Jungkook.

The king stood up from the bed and walked towards him, he smirked as he checked out Taehyung from head to toe. "Nice pick Jaerim" he licked his lips. The beta smiled proud and pushed Taehyung toward the king. Taehyung flinched when two hands grabbed him by waist, he tried to push the boy away but it was no use.

The beta left them alone in the room and Taehyung panicked, his back hit the soft silky mattress covers and the alpha got on top of him. "Please don't do this!" Taehyung cried as the alpha got near his mark. Taehyung's hands were pinned down, he struggled to get away from the king but it was all useless. He felt the tips of the alpha's fangs on his mark.

Taehyung closed his eyes and cried silently for help but suddenly the weight on top of him was gone. Taehyung opened his eyes in shock and saw the king's face buried in his palms. "I can't do this" he mumbled. The omega was still stunned when the alpha shouted "I can't fucking do this!" He cried.

"What?" Taehyung asked. The alpha turned to him and slapped himself in the face "You are fucking mated! How can I do this to you?! I wanna do this with my mate" The alpha started crying. Taehyung saw the whole scene unfolding in front of him, he hesitantly reached him and patted his back. The alpha kept crying "I am so done with my life, I am so done with this shit, I am so done with my father!".

"Why are you crying dude? Aren't you  the one who order them to kipnap us?" Taehyung snapped and the crying alpha turned to him "It wasn't me! It was my father you ass!". The omega slowly processed the information "What? You aren't the route king? Wait what?"

The alpha turned to him and sat face to face "Look ome-". Taehyung glared and said "Taehyung". The alpha rolled his eyes and continued "Look Taehyung, the one who is scheming all of this is my father the real king, people just called me king I don't know why okay! Also my name is my Hanbin not king!"

Taehyung looked at his in confusion, Hanbin tsked and continued explaining "My father is the route king he wanted male omegas because male omegas give birth to the strongest wolves. True blood alphas and male omegas combination is deadly, if both of them make a child together, it's gonna be the strongest wolf of them all. Since I am a true blood alpha, he threatened me to bleed with the omegas or else he will kill my future mate" Hanbin explained sadly.

Taehyung took in everything he said and patted Hanbin's back "But he is your father". The alpha scoffed "He was never a father to me, I hate him, I hate being associated with him!". Taehyung sighed and Hanbin grabbed his hands "Look Taehyung I will help you and friends in escaping out of here, I help you in everything. I want to end my father's rule". The omega nodded and the alpha smirked "You just have to follow me Okay?". Taehyung somehow trusted the alpha and nodded.

Hanbin smiled "We will end all of this together".

Hello guys..? Look I am so sorry I am so late.

I was so stressed out cause of college and now I am finally got into my city's best college and I am so happy.

The book took an expected turn here cause like I wasn't gonna make Hanbin a good guy but I could help it cause Hanbin is a ball of fluff and sunshine!

Do you guys want Hanbin's mate to be a girl or a boy? Comment please

Anyways I hope you like this chapter!

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Date: 24/9/18
Word count: 947

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