Chapter 29

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Not proofread

Third person's POV:

It wasn't a shock that everything in the Blood moon pack was upside down. Everyone was hectic, running from place to place, trying every possible way to track down the missing omegas. But nothing was working.

All the head alphas were worried, in conclusion they called a powerful witch Sandara to use a tracking spell to track them but calling a witch to help wasnt easy as it seems. Sandara was Jiyong's and Chaerin's friend but convincing her to help took days since tracking spells were really hard and strong spells and are preformed by two to three witches. 

After 5 days of pleading Sandara agreed and brought two of her friends Minji and Bom to help her to preform the spell. They arrived at the blood moon pack house, to some wolves in was fascinating how fierce they looked maybe thats why they were friends with Jiyong and Chaerin.

The witches greeted everyone with smiles, Jungkook came forward and thanked them for helping them, to which they dismissed with a sweet smile.

"please bring us your fellow omegas belongs so we can start the spell" Sandara asked politely and the alphas give them what they needed. Bom opened a big thick spell in front of them and they formed a circle around it and the belongings.

The spell was about start when one of the guards bust intothe room without knocking. Jungkook glared at the guard but the words he said next made everyone run out of the room "Alpha, Luna and omega have returned" he said in a  rushed voice. Everyone stared at him for few minutes and then ran of the room.

They reached the living room where they sat the tired omegas sitting, they scratches and dirt on their faces but as soon as they sensed their mates, they bolted up and rushed in their direction.

The mates hugged each other tightly. Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun right away, devouring his lover lips. Yoongi buried his face in Jimin neck and scented him. Jungkook held Taehyung face in his hands, he kissed away all the tears with were streaming down his face.

It was their moment, they all cried in their lovers arms and everyone cried along with them.


After cleaning up everyone gathered around the living room except Baekhyun who was with his kids.

Taehyung told everything to them and internally thanked Hanbin for everything. Jungkook felt grateful for the unknown Alpha who helped his mate and family out.

Soon after the discussion, everyone went into their room and continued their night with heated kisses.

2 Days Later

Everything seemed peacefully when suddenly the guard linked Jungkook urgently and told him to come to the boundary. Jungkook rushed and found an Alpha pulled down by his guard.

"Who are you and what do you want here" Jungkook barked. The alpha looked at Jungkook with pleading eyes "I need to see Taehyung". Jungkook growled, how dare this stranger said his beautiful mate's name.

The stranger's eyes widen "Y-Your Jungkook right?". Jungkook raised his brows and nodded carefully. The alpha looked at Jungkook "I am Hanbin and i am here to tell you something really important"

Jungkook order the guards so released the alpha as he lead him to the house. Taehyung who was in the living room turned to see who came. He jumped in joy as he saw his friends "HANBIN!" He shouted and launched himself on the alpha.

Hanbin laughed but he was suddenly pulled away from the omega by a hard grip. Jungkook glaredhim with red eyes, it was a warning for him.

Taehyung pinched Jungkook's side, linking him to stop. Jungkook's hard glare didn't soften but his red eyes were gone.

Hanbin became serious "My father is gonna attack your pack tomorrow, i suggest you to attack his pack first. We are small in number and we can be defeated easily".

Jungkook looked at him in shock. Desperate time needs desperate measures.


Yes i didn't abandon this book. I am sorry for the late updates. I just dont have the will to write books now a days.

Also this book is finally about to end (YAY)

I hope u like this chapter!

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Word count: 716
Date: 18/12/18

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