Chapter 2: New Life

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Jimin POV

Hi! My name is Park Jimin or some people like to call me jiminnie or chim chim and I am currently 5 years old. I don't really remember about my birth parents but all I know is that i was abandoned and the nice Jeon family took me in and raised me like their own. Everyone in the pack loves me but I have a best friend and his name is Taehyung or I like to call him taetae he's a little weird but I still love him. I think he has a little puppy crush on Hoseokie hyung but don't tell him i said that. I am also besties with the Jeon family's only son Jungkook or I like to call him kookie for short. Tae, Kookie, and me hang out all of the time and sometimes Hoseokie hyung hangs out with us too but tae always gets shy around him. We do everything together except maybe not go to the bathroom together cause that's gross. I am currently outside in the forest with some important people from the pack and i also think they were called the elders or something I don't remember. Since I just turned 5 I was told that i'll transform into a wolf soon and apparently it's a big deal. People were just standing in a big circle around me watching and starring and I kind of felt uncomfortable but luckily taetae and kookie were there to reassure me everything will be okay.

Everything was okay and silent for a bit until i felt unbearable pain shoot through my body. I started to scream and cry out for the pain was too much too handle. Cracking of my bones and shifting of muscle were all that I could hear if the ringing in my ear stopped and my vision came in and out.  I think that I blacked out somewhere in the middle but when I woke up everyone were in tears or had worry and concern written on their faces. I turned to my right and I saw tae on the floor crying being held back by kookie that also had a concerned look etched on his face. I tried to get up but fell right back down. I looked down and noticed that I had 4 furred legs with paws instead of 2 feet. I realized that that I was in my new wolf form. I stood there frozen not knowing what to do in this new form.

" Hey are you gonna start moving or what?"

I jumped up and then fell down because was it just me or was there a voice in my head that was talking directly to me?

" Yes there is a voice in your head and just to tell you I do have a name it's Taemin thank you very much."

I furrowed my eyebrows and started to look around to see if this voice had a body or it was actually in my head and I've just gone crazy.

" You're not going crazy so calm down for a second so that I can explain everything to you, okay?"

I wasn't sure at first but I really needed an explanation about this so I calmed down and let the voice talk or think?

" Thank you. So first, hello my name is Taemin and I am your wolf. Our genetic makeup consist of half human and half wolf which live in one body. You are the human side and I am the wolf side. I appeared when you turned 5 and transform to a full wolf for the first time. I consist of our wolf instincts, urges, and desires that relate to our wolf such as soulmates/mates, wolf instincts, and physical attributes of a wolf like speed and reflexes. Me and you are suppose to live together as one and in harmony so if we disagree on things it'll impact us both greatly. Sometimes if I have a strong feeling or want something I could take over this body but you have control of this body most of the time."

I didn't know what to say for this is a lot of new information given to me to take in but I thought it was pretty awesome in general.

"Okay so we have to live with each other now"

" Yep basically we are stuck together for life unless you do the things that could possibly kill me like rejecting our mate or our mate dies."

" oh okay, wait what's a mate?"

" A mate is basically our other half. They complete us and we can't live without them since wolves are very social animals and need to be surrounded by others to thrive mates give each other constant love, affection, and care that we wolves live for."

" Oh, when will we meet our mate?"

" I don't know to be honest. We just know when we meet them. There's no telling when well meet our mates or if we ever even meet them to be honest. But anyways wanna go for a run or something so that we could both get use to each other and so that I can stretch because being trapped inside you for 5 years wasn't a great experience."

" Alright we could go for a run. I'm excited about my wolf form"

" oh, you'll love our wolf form."

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