Chapter 13: A New Day

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POV Jimin

I woke up with a shiver. I had forgotten how cold the Min Pack territories were and hadn't asked Yoongi for an extra blanket yesterday due to my exhaustion. So I begrudgingly got up from the comfortable bed and started to get ready for the day. Yoongi said that he was going to personally give me a tour and introduce everyone to me so I was excited but also extremely nervous. I had checked myself out one last time and had began to head downstairs where Yoongi was preparing breakfast. The heavenly aroma of chocolate chip pancakes along with some refreshing tea had hit me while I was heading towards a chair at the small dining table. Right when I sat down Yoongi placed a large plate in front of me filled with pancakes.

" Yoongi! This is too much food. How are you going to expect me to eat all of this!?" I asked with astonishment. 

" You don't have enough chub to keep you warm in this climate so you have to eat at least most of it. Besides breakfast is the most important meal because it fuels you  for the day" Yoongi had stated with a playful tone.I had just rolled my eyes and gave up and instead started to dig into my food. 

After breakfast Yoongi had given me a large brown coat made from bear fur. I had spoke about my displeasure of receiving such a luxuries coat and had told Yoongi he could give me a less valuable coat to which he refused and said that he's never even worn the coat before and never will. I was still very hesitant but Yoongi had stubbornly insisted so I voiced my gratitude to him and then we headed off. Their territories were huge and full of beautiful nature spots to which Yoongi had laughed when he saw my astonished expressions when showing me around. Their cabins were also surprisingly very large. Along with the kitchens, cafeteria, school, shops, the pack meeting halls, etc. were just so spacious and beautiful I was in awe during the whole tour. And the people were just so nice and inviting I had so much fun getting to know everyone and sharing stories with them. Yoongi had to leave to attend to his own duties so i had stayed with a group of omegas. They had taught me how to properly skin animals since their pack solely depended and hunting instead of fishing like my old pack. They had told me about some of their culture, traditions, and the different plants that only grow in their cold climate. It was so interesting to me to learn about how different they live compared to how I did. I was so engaged in our conversation that I hadn't notice Yoongi walking towards us with a fond smile plastered on his pale face.

" Hey, it's about time for diner we should head to the cafeteria and grab some food" Yoongi had whispered into my ear from behind. I yelled and jumped away from him.

" You scared the crap out of my Yoongi! Don't sneak up behind me unless you want to get hit" I angrily pouted.

" Yeah, like an adorably little omega like you can hit me" Yoongi confidently said. 

My expression morphed from mad to a blushing mess due to Yoongi calling me adorable so I quickly looked away. And had turned around and quickly headed towards the cafeteria leaving Yoongi behind that had a faint blush on his face. Yoongi had caught up with me and we walked awkwardly together. The food was very delicious and Yoongi and I had a comfortable conversation that had head became chaotic after Yoongi tried to snort some rice up his nose. So which I almost choked on my noodles. After diner we headed back to the cabin and shyly said a goodnight to each other while we retired to our own rooms. After I laid in bed i had started to think about why I am acting like this whenever i'm with Yoongi. I wonder how great of a mate Yoongi would make.

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