Chapter 1

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Characters -
Slenderman, Ticci Toby (Toby Rogers), Masky (Tim,Timothy), Hoodie(Brian), Jeff the Killer (Jeffrey Woods), Eyeless Jack (Jack), Jane the Killer (Jane Richerdson), Sally Williams, Ben Drown, Dark Link, Lulu (Lucial Tiffany), Laughing Jack and Red Mask ( Rosaline, or Rose Grey) and Blue Mask (Ryan Grey) and Grey Night (Susen Grey)

Off to the story


Rose, Ryan and Susen work for Slender Man, and have been working for him since Ryan was 4, and Rosaline was born.

Only Slender Man knows their real names, and anytime they walk around the house/mansion Rose and Ryan wear a mask, and their mother wears a purple hood.


Red Mask and Blue sit at the dinning room, having the mask half way eating.

"Proxies please come here, we got three new people" Slender Man called out. Red Mask and Blue get up, and meet Jeff, Sally, Jane, BEN Drown, Dark Link, Lulu, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, and Slender Man in the living room. Red Mask pulls her Pink hood on to cover her hair. Blue Mask leans against a wall."We have three new proxies, Red Mask, Blue Mask, and Eyeless Jack. I need you three to train them Red, you have Hoodie, Blue, Ticci Toby, and Eyeless Jack you have Ticci Toby. "

"..Jack got the ticster" Red chuckled, and Blue joined that chuckle, EJ growld. "Hey Blue, your boyfriend is growling." she laughed more getting a hit from Blue. She know they like each other, a lot.

"Red Mask!"

"Sorry Sir" She calmed down, and three boys came in.

{To lazy to describe them, I don't own this picture this is just a random picture off the internet}

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{To lazy to describe them, I don't own this picture this is just a random picture off the internet}

"..Are you sure you got the right people Sir?" Jeff asked

"If you went against Slender's chose, then tell me" Red Mask pushed his head into the couch. "again why your here?" She walked past them and stood in front of the boys. "Names Red Mask, over there is Blue Mask, then we have Jeff, Lulu, Sally, BEN Drown, Dark Link, Eyeless Jack,Jane, Laughing Jack, and Grey Night but she is out killing so y'all meet her soon. "

"Thank you Red, may you take them to their new rooms"

"Sure" She walked to the stairs. "Follow and don't get lost" The boys follow her but she hear'd Jeff before she was lost in hearing.

"I told you guys that the men like to follow them"

"BETTER MAKE SURE I AM NOT LISTENING, AND YOU BETTER HIDE BEFORE I AM DONE BECAUSE I AM COMING FOR YOU BUTT JEFFERY" Red yelled and the others laugh even the newbies. They get to the next floor, and walk down the hall. "So you guys are really quiet, unless you three are making out from behind my head" Red turned to see the boys stop, she could tell she got them good. "Just joking, anyways you need to know a few things. 1st, never ask mine, Blue or Grey Nights name or anyone elses names unless they give it to you, 2nd you must follow your instructors tutorial or train you guys how to fight better and for the first night they will be with you making sure that things went well then your on your own, 3rd Never disobey Slender Man, if you do he will throw you into the dirt and make sure you never see us again, and no one wants that" She looked at them, and can tell they gotten tenseness. "4th, you have chores to do around the house, then Laughing Jack will...lets say, have one likes his fun... and last of all 5th, if you bring someone into this house and we don't know them or we know they are human, they will end up being dead. Now to your rooms." She said cheerfully, and they walked to the first door at the end. "Hoodie, this is your room, my room is right across from you need anything just ask, Masky your the next door from Blue Mask, and Toby you have to share a room with Masky. The only reason why is Slender thought we were having two new proxies, so we made two rooms, your room will be added later on but for now you have to share a room, if you want to switch rooms say so now" she looked at the boys, and Masky spoke.

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