Chapter 15 -almost home-

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Characters -
Slenderman, Ticci Toby (Toby Rogers), Masky (Tim,Timothy), Hoodie(Brian), Jeff the Killer (Jeffrey Woods), Eyeless Jack (Jack), Jane the Killer (Jane Richerdson), Sally Williams, Ben Drown, Dark Link, Lulu (Lucial Tiffany), Laughing Jack, Nurse Ann,Yandary (Ayano), Lazari, Jason the ToyMaker, Suicidal Liu(Liu Woods), the Puppeteer, Nina the killer(Nina), Clockwork , Blood Traitor, Jasper, Lost Sliver, Smiling Dog, Rake, Zalgo,Creepy Fanf characters, Sonic Ex, Jason, Huntress, Doctor Tima- Kiel, Cp/n (Y/n) and Red Mask ( Rosaline, or Rose Grey) and Blue Mask (Ryan Grey), Pink Wolf (Ruby Grey) and Grey Night (Susen Grey)

Off to the story

A day had passed

Jane had kept her pass away from Zac but kept an eye on him. When it started to get dark though, Zac made a small camp fire and they had stayed quiet for a while but Zac tried to have small conversation with her but failed as she stayed quiet. They both fell asleep, and morning had arose and they gotten rid of the fire and started to walk again. It stayed quiet.
Ej and Blue talk and stayed togther to make sure nothing bad happens. But they had their fun~ but Ej had to carry Blue because his legs hurted.

"Why did you have to be hard!!" Blue whinned.

"I-i said I was wanted to have fun" Ej snickered a little as Blue hugged him more.

"..I know...b-but still" he puts his head against Ej back and they continued to walk.
Karma and Ruby had made small talk to each other but it was silent for most of it. They had found a town and stayed in the shadows to hide from the people. It was good and a bad town then again that is normal to see those types of people around.
Hoodie woke up to find Red wokw up sad, but she was talking to herself.

" sorry..I s-should have d-done something..." She curls up and Hoodie goes over to her and hugs her she jumps but relaxes.

"Red, it is okay..your mom did everything to protect you and your family..."


"There is nothing you could have done to change the past....least get on the move and find home" Hoodie gets up and helps her and they start to make their way in the small town.
Jane had found the outside of the woods and it lead to a huged field, Zac wasn't from behind and he graons. "Lets take a break and relax for a few minutes" he leans aganist a tree, and she sighs.

"You're weak no wander they left you" she walks forward and he grumbles but follows.

"Be that way if you don't want to relax your musles and your mind. Do you even know where we are going?"

"We are in Rosewoods Parks. Not far from home" she walks and Zac sees a small park with the kids playing around.

"...poor kids..only if they knew what was happening Zac groans and Jane walks faster.

"Leave them be. They are only kids, they need to have a life" she walks to the other side of the side of the park with Zac not far behind and they walk back into the woods.
"Blue, it will be okay, your mom is strong" Ej hugs him and Blue just sighs.

"..ej..I just miss sisters they might be hurt.." He sits up but gets pulled back by ej.

"You have me now. Your sisters are stonge and you know that they will be just fine...I am more worried about you.."

"...we are lost, how will we find home"

"You underrest me" Ej lets go of him and they both get up and Ej takes his hand and follows a sent.
Karma and Ruby startes to talk when morning came and they started to get closer as friends.

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