Chapter 17 -the end-

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Characters -
Slenderman, Ticci Toby (Toby Rogers), Masky (Tim,Timothy), Hoodie(Brian), Jeff the Killer (Jeffrey Woods), Eyeless Jack (Jack), Jane the Killer (Jane Richerdson), Sally Williams, Ben Drown, Dark Link, Lulu (Lucial Tiffany), Laughing Jack, Nurse Ann,Yandary (Ayano), Lazari, Jason the ToyMaker, Suicidal Liu(Liu Woods), the Puppeteer, Nina the killer(Nina), Clockwork , Blood Traitor, Jasper, Lost Sliver, Smiling Dog, Rake, Zalgo,Creepy Fanf characters, Sonic Ex, Jason, Huntress, Doctor Tima- Kiel, Cp/n (Y/n) and Red Mask ( Rosaline, or Rose Grey) and Blue Mask (Ryan Grey), Pink Wolf (Ruby Grey) and Grey Night (Susen Grey)

Off to the story


After 9 months

Rose was in the hospital not due to the killers in the house, but that the house wasn't clean, it could either kill her or her and Hoodie's child. So She went to the hospital with Hoodie. She had been there for hours. Then her and Hoodie, heard a baby girl crying, along with a baby boy. rose looks at Hoodie smiling, and they handed her both the kids, and she holds them close. 

"well would you look at that, you did it" Hoodie kisses Red on the forehead, and she smiles. 

"yeah, two beautiful children. Cathryn, and " she looks at Hoodie. "you name him"

" about..Nick"

"I love it"

"and I love you" he kisses her, and she slighty kisses back. 

" you need the rest, I will be here" he grabs Nick and puts him in the thing that the doctors give after birth,and put Cathryn in the other. Red, went to sleep,and he stayed no matter what the nursers and doctors said.  The next rolled in, and Hoodie watched Red, and the kids. Red woke up and looks around and lays eyes on Hoodie. 

"hey babe" she smiles a little, and he sits up

"morning, you look amazing..." he chuckles a little, and Red looks over to see her kids. 

"they are okay?"

"healthy, and alright, they have no signs of powers, and...who knows they might end up better than we did"

"Brian, who knows what would happen....look at us, we were normal once, then we killed...they may kill, they may not kill who knows, but they have us, and we need a house to ourselves, because I don't want to have them two around drunk people, influence them to do something they don't want, and I don't want to hide the truth from them"

"I don't either, but as soon you get better, we will leave and head back to the mansion"

"alright, I am slowly am getting better..just give me a day."

"Red Rose-Mary...the most gentle woman who has influenced a man, to give up anything just to save others"

"Well Hoodie, you had brought something out that not many could, a light that was deep inside"

"heh, well Cathryn, and Nick will grow up to know that there is nothing to worry about, and they might have a normal child hood who knows"

"yeah, who knows." She laughs a little. 

hours had passed and the doctors came to check on the twins, and soon enough they were on their way back to the mansion, and once they gotten there, everyone surprised them with a welcome home party for the twins. It was amazing and Slenderman let them have a small shack in the woods, and they lived there as for Ruby, she had gotten together with Karma, and it was a hard relationship, but they were happy with each other and didn't want kids, and as for Ryan and Ej they gotten married and enjoyed killing together and loved every moment, even though it was wrong for all of them to kill but they hated humanity, and it was humanity who pushed them out, but they had each other,and that was all they needed, and it was their ending of fighting but their beginning of their new lives.

The end

Wow, this was the weirdest story I have ever written now I am happy that it is over. I can move onto other stories. YAY,  sorry I had been busy with things and I really haven't had much time to type stories so much, but I have had enough time to make ideas, and start new stories. Thanks for reading this story until the end and no I will not continue thing I am happy on where it ended, but then again it could have gone way differently but it didn't. Drawings of this kids when they are older with go to my art, and soon enough I am moving on to better things. Peace out, for now~

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