Chapter 9 -the Angel-

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Characters -
Slenderman, Ticci Toby (Toby Rogers), Masky (Tim,Timothy), Hoodie(Brian), Jeff the Killer (Jeffrey Woods), Eyeless Jack (Jack), Jane the Killer (Jane Richerdson), Sally Williams, Ben Drown, Dark Link, Lulu (Lucial Tiffany), Laughing Jack, Nurse Ann,Yandary (Ayano), Lazari, Jason the ToyMaker, Suicidal Liu(Liu Woods), the Puppeteer, Nina the killer(Nina), Clockwork , Blood Traitor, Jasper, Lost Sliver, Smiling Dog, Rake, ZalgoCreepy Fanf characters, Sonic Ex, Jason, Huntress, Doctor Tima- Kiel, Cp/n (Y/n) and Red Mask ( Rosaline, or Rose Grey) and Blue Mask (Ryan Grey), Pink Wolf (Ruby Grey) and Grey Night (Susen Grey)

Off to the story

They start to head tp the insane asylum but Rose couldn't entire, so they agree that she will be fine so C/p stayed with her along with Ruby and Ryan.

Susen, and Hoodie entired into the Asylum snd slowly made their way in.

"Haha" a man laughed and they looked around the corner.

"Sir calm down..lets go take your pills" a nurse takes him away, and the walked past the hallway. They kept hearing people scream and laugh..them in one room is silent, a silence after half an hour of looking. They open the door, and saw a girl in the corner and they heard crying.

"R-rose?" Susen walks up to her, and the girl looks up and her hair is a mess.

"Mom!" She gets up and they hug. "I missed you so much. I am sorry I..I should have not done this..I am sorry"

"I-it is okay my baby" Susen hugs her close and Hoodie smiles a little.

"W-wait what are you doing here? How are you here? You need to wake up and leave bef-..h-hoodie..I-I.."

"Red" he goes to her and hugs her close and she hugs crying.

"I am sorry I am stupid.."

"Wow! Amazing." A girl clapped and they looked.

"Tima-Kiel" Susen growled.

"Yes, Grey Silver-Night. How may I help you"

"How did y- Did you hurt my kids. "

"Nope. I woke up here"

"Well this is were you belong"

"Funny Hoods..or Brian"

"You are dead girl" Red Groans.

" and I finally get to meet Zac's daugher. You are ledgon at the Mansion. What a pain not to see it myself"

"You want to see it fine" She makes a fire ball appear and throws it her, and she burned a little.

"What a pitty"

"Grr" Red fights her, and they throw blood, until they are seperated, and the room gets very cold and Rose falls and curls up trying find wormth. Susen staus calm and looks at Tima who dissappeared. Hoodie goes to her and tries worm her up and she curls to him.

"Rosie it will be okay" he kisses her on the forehead, and Susen goes to her and takes off her coat and putd it around Red.


"What is it sweetie"

" t-the..base..ent"

"Angel in the basement?" Susen looks at hoodie then at her daughter and she nods. "I will go check it out, Brian stay with her"

"Yes Ma'am" he hold Red close, and Susen leaves. She heads down the hallways not getting caught. She looks around a after 20 minutes she found a door that leads to the basement but could feel a slight coldness so she puts a warmer ora around her and opens the door making her way down.

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