Chapter 11 & 12

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Characters -
Slenderman, Ticci Toby (Toby Rogers), Masky (Tim,Timothy), Hoodie(Brian), Jeff the Killer (Jeffrey Woods), Eyeless Jack (Jack), Jane the Killer (Jane Richerdson), Sally Williams, Ben Drown, Dark Link, Lulu (Lucial Tiffany), Laughing Jack, Nurse Ann,Yandary (Ayano), Lazari, Jason the ToyMaker, Suicidal Liu(Liu Woods), the Puppeteer, Nina the killer(Nina), Clockwork , Blood Traitor, Jasper, Lost Sliver, Smiling Dog, Rake, ZalgoCreepy Fanf characters, Sonic Ex, Jason, Huntress, Doctor Tima- Kiel, Cp/n (Y/n) and Red Mask ( Rosaline, or Rose Grey) and Blue Mask (Ryan Grey), Pink Wolf (Ruby Grey) and Grey Night (Susen Grey)

Off to the story


"Finally you two are up. Bad new Tima died last night" hoodie gets out of the tent and Jack looks at Tima's body.

"Jane, she was a trator, and she deserves to die. We don't like trators. " Jack growls.

"Lets get moving before it is to late" Slender Man appears and he grabs them all and disappears and they appear into Zalgo's kingdom. "Find the others and kill anyone that gets in our way. Move now!" He disappears and them threw move and run into Zac.

"Follow me" he starts to lead them

"Why?" Jane snaralled.

"Because your their only way out, now follow" he leads them to the cells and they weren't there. "They were just here, where?"

Hoodie growls and steps closer to Zac. "Where are they?"

"Drake must have taken them....lets get moving before he finds us" Zac leads them out of the dungeon and they enter the thrown room to see Red, Pink, and Blue knocked out, Hoodie runs over to them and Ej runs to Blue.

"Blue wake up" Ej picks him up abd holds him. "Please blue...Ryan"

"Red, wake up" Hoodie holds her but looks at Pink. "Jane check to see if pink is okay. "

"Yes Sir" she goes over to pink and checks her heart beat. "She is alive, but knocked out.

"Could you guys shut up" Red wakes up and looks up to blush and look down.

"Hey red.."

"..hey..hoodie.." She curls up in his arms as he holds her.

"Where are the others?"

"Mom, Y/n..Liu" she gets out of his arms and looks around. "YOU!" She looks at Zac. "Where did you put them?"

"Rosaline..I don't know where they can be.."

"You must know.....I have to go"

"I am coming with Red" Hoodie grabs her hand and she looks at him and smiles but nods and he follows her. Pink and Blue wake up moments after Red and Hoodie left.

"Where....why us he here?" blue stands up slowly but Ej hokds him back. Pink sits up and looks at him and growls, Jane lets her lean on her.

"..let me explain..' Zac starts to explain what is going on and Blue runs off, Pink goes after him and so do the other two. Zac sighs ans follows to keep all of them safe.

Red and Hoodie keep looking and they make it to the roof where they get attacked and y/n yells but it is muffled. Red defend herself from the attacker and Hoodie helps, but he pulls out his gun and red seperates from the attacker and it is herself.

"What the hell?" They both say to confuse Hoodie.

"What is going on?" He points his gun at both of them.

"Shot her, she is a fake" they both say.

"Red which one are you?" Hoodie gets confused.

"Hoodie, it's me shot her"

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