Chapter 16 -something new-

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Characters -
Slenderman, Ticci Toby (Toby Rogers), Masky (Tim,Timothy), Hoodie(Brian), Jeff the Killer (Jeffrey Woods), Eyeless Jack (Jack), Jane the Killer (Jane Richerdson), Sally Williams, Ben Drown, Dark Link, Lulu (Lucial Tiffany), Laughing Jack, Nurse Ann,Yandary (Ayano), Lazari, Jason the ToyMaker, Suicidal Liu(Liu Woods), the Puppeteer, Nina the killer(Nina), Clockwork , Blood Traitor, Jasper, Lost Sliver, Smiling Dog, Rake, Zalgo,Creepy Fanf characters, Sonic Ex, Jason, Huntress, Doctor Tima- Kiel, Cp/n (Y/n) and Red Mask ( Rosaline, or Rose Grey) and Blue Mask (Ryan Grey), Pink Wolf (Ruby Grey) and Grey Night (Susen Grey)

Off to the story


Yesterday night

Red hugs Hoodie and giggles. "Your cute~~" she whispers into his ear, and he blushes but keeps walking.

"Red your still drunk" he looks around and walks inti a building and places her down.

"Hoodie~I need something.."

"What do you need?" He places her down and she raps her arms around him and pulls him close.

"You~" she kisses him and he kisses back.

In the morning. (To tired but yeah they did it)

Red wakes up with a major headache, and she was about to sit up until something held her down. She turns to see hoodie asleep but she keeps cool until she realizes she and him are naked. "HOODIE!" She grabs his Hood and covers herself, he sits up and looks at her blushes.


"...we did..that..dear lord" she leans into the hood and he sighs.

"Sorry but..your just to matter what happens I will always be with you.." He grabs her hand and she looks at him.

"T-hanks..maybe I can u-use my powers to at least gets home..but we have to get dressed.."

"A-alright" he grabs his undies and pants putting them on. Red grabs. Her bra and undies slipping them on, then her pants and grey t-shirt. She looks at her coat andslips it on, as Hoodie puts his hood on. She was about to stand but falls.

"F-fuaa...did you do it hard?" She looks at him and he blushes.

"..sorry..I'll carry you" he picks her up and she holds onto him. The she closes her eyes.

"Stay still or we will be farther than now.." Fire surrounded them and they appear at the mansion. Ut the second she did that she holds her mouth and whispers to him. "B-bathroom"he gets to the bathroom. It was to realy for anyone to be up but not a hole lot were asleep. The second they get to the bathroom she throughs up, and he holds her hair back and helps her the best way he can. After that she leans on him.."food.." She grabs him and he nods.

"Potatos?" He smiles at her and she nods, and carries her down placing her in a chair, and started to cook. Then Ruby comes down and screams waking everyone. They ran to the kitchen and hug Red and Hoodie.

"Your guys are back but how" Jeff asked.

"Transportation" Red leans on the table. " fooood" she whines.

"I am coming" Hoodie brings spaghetti and she sits up and start eating the food he gave her, which was cheesecake. 

"you sure are hungry" he sits next to her, and Rose looks at him. 

"Don't make fun of me, I am tired, and hungry so leave me alo-" she covers her mouth, and runs to the bathroom and Hoodie ran after her, to hear her through up. Hoodie rubs her back, and she leans into him, falling asleep fast. 

She had acted that way for a month nearly, everyone saw what she and Hoodie didn't, was that Rose was pregnant, and Rose went to the hospital to see if she was okay. Once she gotten there they told her, and she smiles but then it fades. If she was pregnant, she couldn't use her powers, until the child is born. She walks hope with a bright smile, and Hoodie ask if she is okay, and she told him and he hugs her surprised but then, took his mast off so she can see him. 

"Rose, it will be okay, I know you will go threw things, but you don't have to worry I am here for you"

"I know but it is not just that, it is also that I can't go on missions, and cannot use my powers. I was wondering what was going on with me once we gotten back from...a few tears fell but Hoodie wips them, and kisses her on the forehead. 

"Don't worry everything will be alright, there is nothing to worry. Trust me"

-to continued-

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