Chapter 5 -burned-

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Characters -
Ticci Toby (Toby Rogers),
Masky (Tim,Timothy), Hoodie(Brian),
Jeff the Killer (Jeffrey Woods), Eyeless Jack (Jack),
Jane the Killer (Jane Richerdson), Sally Williams,
Ben Drown,
Dark Link,
Lulu (Lucial Tiffany),
Laughing Jack,
Nurse Ann,
Yandary (Ayano),
Jason the ToyMaker,
Suicidal Liu(Liu Woods),
the Puppeteer,
Nina the killer(Nina),
Clockwork ,
Blood Traitor,
Lost Sliver,
Smiling Dog,
Sonic Ex,
Jason the killer,
Doctor ,
Tima- Kiel,
Cp/n (Y/n)
and Red Mask ( Rosaline, or Rose Grey) and Blue Mask (Ryan Grey), Pink Wolf (Ruby Grey) and Grey Night (Susen Grey)

Off to the story


-with Hoodie-

He was at his desination and he wore his ski mask, and orange hoodie. He climbed threw and came upon a gathering, so he hide above the crowd. 'God there are so many people here..okay Hoodie, you need to get information from the computers and kill the person that has the knowladge of what the Creepy-Pasta are and y/n..she may hate us killing her father and uncle' He sighed and climbed around the party. He saw someone that nearly looks like him and he sighs, kniw what to do next. He jumped down and grabbed the look a like and took him to the bathroom and made sure he is out cold. He changed cloths and looked around and hide the body in the men's bathroom, then left and looked around and walked straight threw. He ran into the y/n father.

"Kyle, I am glad you made it." He put his hand out, and Hoodie looked at him, and took it and smirked.

"I am glad to be here. Fa/n (father/name). So what is todays event about?" After talking with F/n, he left him and started to place booms around the building, 'it will kill or harm anyone, but if I am lucky, I would get out just in time but...if I died...Red will kill me..but I need to watch her other then Brian...hoodie has a mission not Brian'' He goes to the bathroom to see his hoodie, he grabs it and hides the hood somewhere more safe but where it is able to get burn a little. He sighed and went back to the party and then meet u/n (Uncles/name). "U/n, isn't this an amazing place"

"It is. You must be Kyle. F/n best tech designer"

"Yes sir, and I can't wait to show off the newest design." He smiled and u/n nodded. "It was great to meet you sir, have a good day"

"You too Kyle" u/n walked away and pink wolf stood next to him with her arms crossed.

"What the hell are you doing Brian?" She looked at him and he gave her a blank face.

"I am doing my job. Why are you here?"

"My sister is with my father that I just meet, and clearly hate. She is singing and I am scared that he might do something to her whale she is alone with him." She sighed and Hoodie chuckled. "What is funny?"

"Red Mask is a strong women, and her mind and body is still capable of fighting and defending very important things. Even though she is not herself, her mind will know that in any situation she will survive longer then anyone." He started to walk away. "Better get out in 10 minutes, I am doing sometjing massive"

"Yes sir" she left, and he went to the center and the announcements started.

-with Rosaline-

She was done sing and waited for any results from Zac. He came back into the room and she looked at him. "Soo?"

"Your in, but recordings start in two days got it"

"Yes sir. I need to go. Bye"

"Goodday Rosaline" he smiled and she left, and she started to walk back to the apartment but her eyes changed and she went into an alleyway. 'Dear good Hoodie, I been out for two days and you have to do something stupid. I can't be there in person but I can do this.' She started to spin her fingure and little flams started and she blew and it went away. Her eyes went bacl to normal and she looked around confused and left the alleyway going back to the apartment.

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