san | a cute boy waiting for you

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i stare at the girl lying on my bed. when she called me to pick her up, i completely freaked out. i never saw her as one of those party girls. why did she even call me out of everyone anyway? i was a complete ass to her the last time we met. seeing her slumped on the sidewalk like that made me so angry. what if something bad had happened? she groans, rolling over on the bed and i immediately jump onto my feet.

"how you feeling? here, take this advill. you'll feel better." i pass her the pill and she gives me a look.

"was i drunk? is this what it feels like to be drunk?" she rubs her forehead. she doesn't even know what she drank.

"it's called a hangover. and how can you not even be aware of what you drink? at a bar, emma! jesus christ, that's so stupid, you could have been drugged and raped and-"

"noah, noah, calm down. im fine, im sorry." i turn and look at her incredulously. she doesnt even realise the problem.

"look i'm sorry for imposing and being a problem. im just gonna go back, i gotta do an essay. and frankly, noah, don't put your anger on me. i didn't do anything to you, or i dont know what i did, but you need to talk to me if im making you that upset. if it's about the whole dating thing, then im sorry but i dont have control over that okay? thank you for getting me yesterday, sorry i bothered you." shes rushing out of the door before i can even say anything.

"yo cent i saw some girl on the way up, whats up?" sterling casually walks into my apartment, dumping his bag on my floor.

"dude! you're back! want me to call jack and luke? i got a call time at 1pm, so i can't stay long. sorry dude." i start shoving my stuff into my bag.

"so the girl? emma?" he gives me the raised eyesbrows and i groan.

"what happened to off the grid? checking up on me?"

"dude i was in the groupchat, the messages came in, you know i gotta keep up with my boys. she's really cute though, i must say. what did jack say?" he's now eating my food, sitting on my couch.

"same thing as you. don't appreciate it bro, even if it's fake. well, i need to go, get jack or luke over, anything, just don't trash the apartment." i slap his back and am out the door. im driving to the studios and i wonder if emma ever reached her dorm.

"good afternoon everyone!" i step into set and immediately see teri and sherri. "hello moms! didn't think you guys were coming today. wait do we have scenes together?"

"hi noah, yes we have two scenes together, and you would know if you read your script." sherri says, resulting in everyone else mocking me. well, i would have known if i read my script instead of getting bothered by emma.

"so whats this i hear about a fake girlfriend? didn't think to update your moms?" teri smacks the upside of my head.

"and she's really nice and adorable, but noah treated her like an ass. can't believe she hasnt ran yet." cierra comments. working together with this cast for nearly 4 years has made us incredibly close, and we're like a family. i'm pretty sure they could tell how annoyed i was yesterday.

"cut him some slack, ci." maia shouts from the makeup department and i holler back that she's my favourite.

"ok hot shot, peter kavinsky, i see you, ill cut you that slack." cieraa tells me, but turns to tell teri and sherri how amazing and nice emma is.

"okay crew! we're still waiting for danny to show up, so we can start on scene 41 first."


over the course of the day, i tell david about what happen with emma. and needless to say, i got a small lecture about having to apologise. so im on my way to her dorms, with some japanese food. i check in with the security, and they tell me her dorm number.

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