ju-san | we can still be friends

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she's a breath of fresh air. i never really dated anyone like her, especially since she was so short because i always thought it was weird, but having emma snuggled into my side gave me a warm feeling in my chest. she looked different today, which is probably because of whatever cierra did to her.

"im going to get those, we should share so we can eat more." i suggest, pulling her towards a sandwich cart.

"you're probably going to end up eating a lot so don't get big portions." she references the time at six flags, making me hold her tighter. ever since we got closer, i find myself not being able to keep my hands off her.

we eat our way through the fair, and one particular store was selling bao, which she excitedly pulls me towards. "this is my favourite food! let's get one, you should try this." the store seems to be chinese operated, because there were signs in the foreign language. she speaks to the owner in what seems to be chinese, and he excitedly converses with her.

"what is going on?" i whisper in her ear and the guy says something. she pinches my cheek, telling him something. we finally get the food and i ask her what he said.

"he said we just said we were cute. and that he hasnt really seen that many asian people who speak chinese with him. that's all. why? were you jealous?" she teases me, spiltting the bao in half. "here, try it." she passes me the white bun with meat inside.

"it's good right?" i nod, chewing the bun and processing the taste.

"yeah, this is pretty good, it's not that oily either." i munch into it.

we finally finish eating and we're just walking down the streets of new york city, my hand holding hers. everything just felt so natural with her, as if we both didn't need to put in more effort to be comfortable around each other. we go to a nearby park, just enjoying the good weather. it was one of those nice fall days that aren't too cold.

"new york is so pretty." she sighs in content, looking around. "i still can't really believe i'm here."

"have you been to times square at night? it's beautiful."

"i have! chloe brought me once. i haven't been since then though, i don't like going out alone at night. call me childish but it scares me."

"let's go tonight." i say spontaneously. "i can protect you from the darkness!" i do a superman pose in the middle of the park, making her laugh.

"you're such a dork!" i pull her towards a bench in front of a pond and we just sit in a comfortable silence. she brings her legs up and lie on my lap, giving me the chance to play with her hair. she feels my fingers in her hair and rolls over to look at me. and like all cheesy films go, i bend down and kiss her. when my lips touch her soft ones, my heart skips a beat.

"what was that for?" she giggles, playing with my hair.

"your lips are nice." there you go, baby voice noah. she gives me a 'you're impossible' look then rolls back to face the pond.

"how did you learn to speak chinese? wait, woah i just realised you're trilingual."

"i am! japanese is my native language, but i learnt both english and chinese in singapore, it was like part of the curriculum. but my mum's half chinese, so she speaks chinese too."

"that's cool, you should teach me one day." her hair is so soft.

"which do you want to learn?" she starts absentmindedly drawing circles on my other hand, which was resting on her.

"which is more difficult?"

"i feel like chinese is because there isn't an alphabet, and japanese is similar to english except we use characters instead of letters. it's similar to korean."

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